Looking Back on My Career as I Contemplate Retirement

Looking Back on My Career as I Contemplate Retirement

Born in 1956, I have racked up numerous jobs over the last 68 years. Not all were memorable, but some were dreadful, some cool, others temporary, some permanent, and some sucked. One came with a bed (more about that later). They included accessing blood vaults, babysitting, loading dry cleaning machines, cleaning mimeograph machines, counterboy, three-wheel bicycle deliveries, compliance auditing, operations manager, busboy, mailroom boy, laundry delivery driver, cotton cubicle folding assistant, and retirement strategist/wealth manager.

Stranger than the foregoing list is the number of titles I have actually held—internal auditor, staff auditor, assistant vice president, vice-president, first vice-president, second vice-president, senior vice president, senior investment management consultant, managing director, and yeah, delivery boy.

Having a job that actually comes with a bed might sound like a perk, but working fifteen-hour shifts at a big city blood bank with urgent calls for blood coming in at midnight, 3:00 a.m., or 5:00 a.m. doesn’t allow for a good night’s sleep, no matter how soft the mattress.

But that job wasn’t as bad as being a busboy in a college town diner with all my friends deliberately making messes, knowing I had to clean it up while they paid their bills and shuffled out the door. It wasn’t good for the ego, yet I was grateful it only lasted long enough to pay rent and the phone bill.

The lowest salary by far was babysitting for Dr. Buxbaum across the hall from our lower eastside apartment in Manhattan. She paid me 50 cents an hour. I’d walk away with a $1.50 spending money, feeling on top of the world until I understood how little $1.50 actually bought.

If you ever worked for your parents, you know it comes with “special issues.” I can’t remember the number of times I wished I could trade places with my dad and let him fold 265 draperies while I sat in his air conditioned office yakking on the phone. Worse was how he made me feel when I screwed something up (hey, I was 13 years old, give me a break), which was often. He would explain something, I would dutifully nod, and then totally forget what he said and proceed to screw up the chore. Couldn’t help feeling like a butthead, like I couldn’t do anything right.


Not good for my self-esteem.

My time as an internal auditor for the New York based E.F. Hutton lasted about two and half years before I took a promotion and became operations manager in their sprawling Washington, DC, office. I started with Hutton in 1980, and my job was to interview stockbrokers at their offices all across the country. As a compliance auditor, my function was to make sure stockbrokers abided by the rules and regulations of the New York Stock Exchange, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the SEC. Yes, it proved mind-numbingly boring, despite the travel to such magical destinations as Rock Island, Illinois; Carmel, Indiana; Tonawanda, New York; and Parsippany, New Jersey.

I now look forward to turning the page and not working for a living. I have put in enough years to enjoy the autonomy I have earned. The struggle will be to keep myself intellectually occupied. A dear friend wrote a series of books on Sudoku. Perhaps I will need to read them so my brain doesn’t turn to goo.


Geopolitical Intrigue and Mind-Numbing Idiocy 

It seems that President Biden saw fit to pardon a Chinese spy who was caught with massive amounts of child pornography. It further seems the fellow was related to a high-ranking member of the Communist Party. YES, I feel Biden is the most unfit President in the last 200 years, and this is mind-numbing idiocy.


The Final Word (to borrow a phrase from my friend Vance)

Surely a sign of American imperialism—a law in place since the 1990s PROHIBITS the wearing of jeans in North Korea. You will find NO denim in the country since possession will land you in jail. Just in case you were wondering, North Korea also prohibits TikTok and birth control devices of any kind, including condoms.

I’m told that hundreds of Starbucks employees are on strike. It seems the baristas have much to gripe about, but what interests me most is one barista wanting “work from home flexibility.” Perhaps this person keeps creamer and vanilla in their home fridge? Perhaps what’s lost on these folks is that Starbucks, like McDonald’s, is a career steppingstone and not meant to be permanent employment. It reminds me of my busboy and delivery days.

The antics of the Biden Administration never seem to stop, and yes, they continue to piss me off. Recent articles detail how that Administration has spent millions of dollars of taxpayer money creating transgender animals and then performing experiments on them. See the Washington Examiner story dated December 21, 2024, by Robert Schmad for the gruesome details.

I have no interest in reading an article that begins with the words P. Diddy, Taylor Swift, or Whoopi Goldberg.

Fair warning: If you happen to run across an article describing how late night TV hosts failed to stop the Trump presidential win, don’t read it. You have much better things to do, like cleaning your gutters or oven.

Have you heard of Woke Cinema? Evidently, there is a class of cinematic productions that focus on the woke life and the progressive liberal political climate. I’m sure Hollywood insider Rob Reiner is all over this. You can probably expect new versions of Marvel and DC superhero movies featuring a bisexual Super Boy, a lesbian Wonder Woman, and a transexual Martian Manhunter.

I would not be surprised to see a new and improved version of Friends where they all identify as whatever they want, complain that everything is lame, work from home, still qualify for state SNAP programs (food stamps), and argue amongst themselves about student loan cancellations because owing all that debt creates anxiety. And because Hollywood is known to be racist, all new Disney films will feature Latino and African American leading ladies as well as a new and improved American history featuring trans Founding Fathers.

Take note:

  • It is illegal to drive blindfolded in Alabama—just sayin’.
  • In Arizona, it’s illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub—you have been
  • In Kentucky, a woman cannot marry the same man four
  • In Massachusetts, it’s illegal to tell fortunes without
  • In New Jersey, bullet-proof vests are banned while committing a


Turnabout Is Fair Play

Equal Opportunity Times subscribers might recall that about a year ago, I penned a quiz called “How to shut down your crazed liberal relatives at holiday dinners.” The quiz received more- than-expected comments, both positive and, well, not so positive. I was blunt and pulled no punches. For those who know me, that’s par for the course. For the crazed liberal relatives who are clueless that socialism is the path to communism, I hold no mercy. By the way, that’s not my line. It was first uttered by Vladimir Lenin. If he happens to be your role model, not only will I not invite you to holiday dinner but I won’t let you step foot in my home.

I spied a recent media article that discussed how liberal leftists should not allow Trump-voting relatives into their homes for holiday dinners. It seems that turnabout is fair play. The article went on to explain how righteous Democrats should not share bread or make toasts with those who are against reproductive healthcare (read abortion and genital mutilation surgery for minors), secure borders, or deportation of illegals.

Other media pundits have suggested that Trump-voting relatives are a deal-breaker and that holiday get-togethers should be cancelled all together. WOW! No gifts, no holiday cards, no roast turkey, no eggnog, and absolutely no songs sung together around the family piano. Talk about sore losers! Bing Crosby and Perry Como would roll over in their graves. Others suggested that if Uncle Paul and Aunt Minny are the offending Trump-voting Republicans, you should simply fail to invite them. This appears to be the 21st century version of the Hatfields and the McCoys.


Just So There’s No Confusion

Just so there’s no confusion—that’s how the letter began that I received from Louisiana Senator John Kennedy. Yes, it was an appeal for a campaign contribution, but what a letter! Long-time readers of the Equal Opportunity Times are aware that I consider Senator Kennedy an intellectual giant and one of the finest Senators ever to grace that chamber. The left hates—no, despises— Senator Kennedy with a passion. That should tell you all you need to know.

I have watched many videos of Kennedy questioning Biden’s judicial appointees about the U.S. Constitution, only for the candidate to squirm in their seat and reply that they aren’t familiar with that clause of the Constitution. Kennedy’s grilling of liberal judicial nominees starts with basics like this: Can you tell me about Article II of the Constitution or the meaning of the Commerce Clause?

Through intense questioning, Kennedy uncovers the unadulterated stupidity of inexperienced and unqualified liberals nominated to important government offices. As many of you are aware, I am not a citizen of Louisiana, yet I will be contributing a healthy sum to Senator Kennedy’s campaign because his voice of reason is needed in the U.S. Senate.


Yes, There Are Congressional Republicans Past Their Prime Too

If you don’t live in Texas, you may not be familiar with GOP Congresswoman Kay Granger (R- TX). Apparently, this representative hasn’t voted on a bill in six months and lives in a nursing home. Granger is 81 years old and has served in Congress for 26 years. Unfortunately, she is a poster child for term limits.

Brandon Granger, the Congresswoman’s son, is reported to have told a local Texas newspaper that his mom is “having some dementia-related issues.”

Yet her 25- person-strong staff keeps her Capitol Hill office running in her absence, proclaiming, “Move along; nothing to see here, folks.” This is reminiscent of the deceptions hoisted upon the American people by President Biden’s handlers that insist the President is at the top of his game. The best solution is term limits and severe monetary penalties for staffers who deceive the American people about their bosses. Better yet, toss their asses in jail.


NY Governor Champions Efforts to Fight Crime While Horrific Crimes Take Place

Yes, it’s my personal opinion that New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) is one of the worst governors in the history of the Empire State. Media reports that while she was touting New York subway safety, there where two stabbings, and one woman was set on fire and later died.

All this happened on New York subways while Hochul was hyping improved safety underground. While a gruesome murder was taking place, the governor posted on social media that crime was going down. Unfortunately, this liberal excuse for a high-ranking Democrat is clueless and would serve humanity better by inspecting concrete footings at upstate New York prisons.


New York Governor Lunacy ─ Part 1 (of course, I will follow up with part 2) 

Yet again, New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s name is splashed across media headlines proclaiming that she signed a bill forcing “big oil” to pay for climate change damage.

On the other side of the country, California Governor Gavin Newsom is blaming his state’s budget deficit on climate change and by extension blaming it on “big oil.”

Let’s try to unpack some of this, shall we? First, it screams that these governors’ actions reflect their attempts at hoisting new fees on the industry responsible for them not sitting in the dark and shivering in the winter. That said, I sincerely doubt that the governors’ mansions are 100 percent powered by windmills and solar collectors.

My beef is how the Legislation links oil industry actions to an alleged injury. Can New York’s new law, beyond any doubt, tie Chevron’s actions to a tornado, a hurricane, or a cold spell? Did Exxon, through its actions or inactions, cause a heat wave or tropical storm that wiped out a California pier in a town that now has the right to extort funds to pay for a pier replacement? Did Valero Energy and its refining capacity conclusively cause a deluge of rain that wiped away a community center? How exactly can these laws link a supposed crime or outcome to a weather pattern that began in the Gulf of Mexico or for that matter in the Pacific or Atlantic Oceans?

Show me the math.

January saw a polar vortex form over much of the US reaching as far down as Florida. My guess is that thousands of acres of orange crops might freeze and be thrown in the trash. In a Democrat politician’s mind, obviously it’s the fault of occidental Petroleum and Exxon and they have to pay for all damages! These lunatic laws force energy companies to pay for supposed damages that cannot be proved. I will go out on a limb here and put it out into the universe that laws such as these will only become fact in blue states. Care to argue that?


Is This New, or Have I Been in the Dark All This Time? 

I recently came across a reference I have never heard of before—Weather Porn. I’m somewhat familiar (at a distance) with the regular type, but weather? A lot of folks across the nation seem to be glued to the Weather Channel, watching hour upon hour of hurricanes and tornados rip through towns, causing untold disaster and misery in their wake.

Far be it from me to declare a tornado unsexy, but I kind of understand people gluing their eyes to the destruction—kind of like passing a wreck on the highway and struggling not to look. But the wise guy in me wonders that if some folks are weather porn junkies, then what other type of porn are they binging on? Just a thought…


It’s Not About Skin Color ─ It’s About Character 

I’m happy that we as a nation are closing the chapter on the Biden-Harris Administration and its war on character. Individuals are chosen for high positions, notwithstanding deeply flawed characters, ethics, and lack of experience. The Administration was populated by checking the correct progressive leftist boxes, along with the inclusion of bureaucrats based on sexual orientation, leftist politics, and skin color rather than character and credentials. Character matters. I’m not saying that the new administration won’t have its flaws as well, but I think that starting from a foundation of do they have the skills, credentials, and experience to do the job is a good beginning. It’s high time that we match the job with the skillset and character of the individual, not on characteristics that don’t matter.


Will the Squad Ever Get It Right? 

Evidently, when a murderer is caught, convicted by a jury of their peers, and sentenced to death, that death penalty is now considered racist. It appears that Squad members are applauding President Biden’s clemency of 37 murderers. They—the murderers, not the Squad members (unfortunately)—will now receive life in prison at a cost of millions and millions of dollars.

About 98 percent of federal death row inmates are Caucasian and African American males convicted of murder. How the political morons that make up the Squad deems the death penalty racist is beyond me. Should you have the answer, please contact me at 1-800-Don’t-Give-A-Shit.


 Elections Have Consequences

The American people have spoken. They voted against four more years of the disastrous Biden- Harris policies. Recall how Kamala Harris stated in a nationally televised TV interview that she would not change anything that Biden had done. If that is not a vote of confidence for a diminished mental capacity chief executive, I don’t know what is.

Various media sources tell me that Democrats, especially progressive nut-job liberals, are readying an anti-Trump, in-your-face campaign. Recall how Congresswoman/asshat Maxine Waters (D-CA) encouraged her followers to hound Trump Administration employees in church, restaurants, and on street corners to let them know they were not welcome among civilized (liberal) Americans. So I expect a number of articles to detail shouting matches at Starbucks, Denny’s, Chipotle, Taco Bell, and the local diner—all focusing on the evil, godless employees of the Trump Administration.

And in case you missed it, some Washington, DC, food workers have vowed to make Trump officials not welcome at their establishments. I hope the owners and general managers of the restaurants fire their asses on the spot for disrespecting customers.

Notwithstanding the socialist wannabees’ outrage that law and order is coming back to town, I fully expect foot-stomping, mass protests, bellowing, and a loud racket to persist for months if not years. It’s amazing that there are tens of millions of Americans who persist in believing that unchecked immigration, 7 percent mortgage rates, ongoing inflation, out-of-control crime, insane identity politics, and wasteful government spending policies are good things to be defended at the ballot box.


You will find many of my interviews on my website at EOCritic.com.


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The Morally Superior Democrat – Yeah, Right…

The Morally Superior Democrat – Yeah, Right…

Truth be told, I was NEVER a fan of President Obama. Lately, he has taken to the media to warn that “one side” is going to weaponize the justice system and rig elections. This smacks of a Russian false flag operation where the Russians sabotage X and then blame the west for the sabotage. We are guiltless, we have been wronged, the other side did it!

What Obama is describing is how the left and powerful progressive Democrats have used America’s justice system to go after their political enemies, yet he projects these wrongs on Republicans with his typical smugness and air of superiority. And yes, Joe Biden has torn a page from Obama’s playbook. The only politician worse to listen to is AOC with her own brand of socialist lunacy. Obama is not a 21st century prophet; he is an elitist, and I for one would like to see him thrown off his sanctimonious high horse and relegated to the trash heap of American failed policies.


 Rich and Stupid Too… 

Not many people can afford to build a $3 million mansion. A person would have to be sitting on a significant pile of assets to afford that. Still, that doesn’t mean the person has any brains outside of the one area that made them rich. For example, assume I am a genius at franchising. Somehow, I was gifted with the superpower of being able to sell franchise units of fast-food places, and I made myself a handsome nest egg in the eight figures.

Let’s further assume that approaching Thanksgiving, I think it would really be kind of neat to fry a turkey, so I make all the arrangements and set it up in my huge garage, far enough away from my Maserati so oil doesn’t splatter on it. You can probably guess where I’m going with this because I picked up the paper recently and read how a $3 million Connecticut mansion was engulfed in flames due to a harebrained scheme to fry a turkey in the garage. 

One question: Who’s the turkey?


Save Some Seats on Your Plane

Recent news stories suggest that Democratic megadonor —yes, that’s a real word—Reid Hoffman is mulling (normal folks don’t mull, only rich folks do) leaving the United States after Donald Trump won the November 2024 presidential election. If the name sounds vaguely familiar, Hoffman was the cofounder of LinkedIn.

It seems this multi-zillionaire is embarrassed at wasting millions of dollars on Kamala Harris’s utter failure of a campaign. I would like to suggest that he pack his bags and invite many of his Democratic friends to fill up all those empty seats on his private plane. If asked, I can provide a list of Hollywood “A names” as traveling companions. The more left-leaning Harris groupies who leave the country, the better. Remember, these are the folks who created many of America’s problems over the last four years.


Antisocial Media 

I can’t recall who came up with the term social media. Perhaps it was around the birth of Myspace or Facebook. I really don’t care. What I do care about is that it has morphed into antisocial media with malcontents of every persuasion posting mean-spirited ideas that they dare not say in public or face to face with other Americans.

The cloak of Twitter/X and other platforms provides a curtain to hide behind so folks can say any damn thing they please without being hauled off their lawn and called out as an ecoterrorist, a Green New Deal moron, or a Biden wannabe. These platforms, to the best of my knowledge, were created to bring people together, not spew vicious hate memes and threats.

Look, everyone is entitled to say what they please; however, many might want to abide by Rodger’s mother-rule. What’s that? Glad you asked. Before posting spiteful, cruel, and hateful words, consider what your mother would say if you said those words to her face. Would she pat you on the back and call you a sweet ecoterrorist, or would she haul you off to the bathroom and wash your mouth out with soap?

Hopefully, Americans will begin to be more thoughtful in their posts. While speaking their mind, they can be respectful of others and not come across as an unfit baboon ready for the zoo.


An Overpopulated Government 

Think back. Have you ever heard anyone mention that the US government is not large enough or that more government workers need to be hired? Well, I can’t remember ever hearing that, and I am looking forward to a ringside seat to watch the new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) get up and running and take a scalpel to both the federal head count and the federal budget. Personally, I’m okay with firing the entire U.S. Department of Education and returning all educational responsibilities to the states—where they belong.

Mr. Google tells me that the 4,400 employees of the U.S. Department of Education have a budget of some $68 billion, and yet they are a near-perfect example of the gang that can’t shoot straight! Kamala says that efforts to close the Department of Education would be disastrous for the nation. I beg to differ. The Department has become a lightning rod for everything wrong with bloated government.

Biden’s Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, was quoted as saying, “If you support eliminating the Department of Education, you do not support our students.” That’s like cigarette companies proclaiming that their product doesn’t cause cancer. The only good liberal Democrat politician is an unemployed one.


DEI Obsession 

Did you know that Columbia University has a School of Climate—yes, they really do. What do you expect from a Marxist University in New York City? Anyway, they boast their own earth observatory. Their mission, direct from their website, is to seek fundamental knowledge about the origin, evolution, and future of the natural world. Okay, I get that. Then WHY would they have their own Director of DEI (“Divisiveness, Entitlement, and Intimidation”)?

Notice that we are talking about a DEI Director for the observatory, not the school! It seems that a lot of marginalized folks have had it tough when it comes to earth sciences, and the director’s focus is equality for all among the Ivy League reform-minded elitists. Just so it’s not lost on you, I want to include a statement from their website that should provide some insight into these folks’ state of mind.


Statement on Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory’s Commitment to Anti-Racism and Institutional Change—June 2021

Black lives matter. 


We the leadership of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences are committed to making Lamont a diverse, nurturing, and vibrant community founded upon the fundamental understanding that all its members deserve dignity and have value. We have failed science and ourselves over the last half century by unintentionally and/or intentionally excluding representative numbers of Black people, and other people of color, from our ranks. A renewed and effective dedication to anti-racist practices is imperative to the operation of a just institution and our ability to undertake the most creative, innovative, salient, and beneficial research.



For the Last Time, the Trump Tax Cut Was NOT Just for the Rich 

I have been interviewed a couple of dozen times over the last year, and I take exception when interviewers ask me about how President Trump in his first term gave a tax cut only for the rich. What generally follows is their statement that billionaires pay no taxes at all. Unfortunately for the interviewer, the facts do not support this. The query shows that the questioner has not done their homework because if they had, they wouldn’t have asked the question in the first place.  

Let me explain without holding a tax policy class that none of you signed up for. If you look at IRS data for the full year of 2022, you will find that 48% of all federal income tax revenues were paid by the top 1% of American earners. Let that sink in for a moment. One percent paid nearly half of all federal income taxes. Further, the top 10% of American taxpayers ponied up 72% of all federal income tax revenues. If that were not enough, the bottom 50% of taxpaying Americans paid about 3% of total tax revenues collected. How is that for lopsided math?

What follows is a question-and-answer period of how it is impossible to provide tax cuts only for the bottom half. Wouldn’t that be treating the other 50% differently? We are all given equal protection under the law. The IRS or some brain-dead President cannot declare that African American cab drivers in Detroit will receive an income tax holiday for five years, nor can fast- food workers in Mississippi pay a flat 10% tax for ten years. Were this to happen, the federal government would in fact be discriminating against all groups of people who are not fast-food workers in Mississippi or cab drivers in Detroit.

The Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution would invalidate unequal tax rates for different groups of people. By the way, this would also apply to failed candidate Kamala Harris since she wanted to provide cash incentives only to African Americans. 


The Media: It’s Not All Black and White

I felt disgusted as I read an article detailing how Harris campaign staffers felt underserved and bypassed leading up to election night. Apparently, “staffers of color” were not provided resources to effectively get their jobs done. The article suggests that they were denied basics such as water, staplers, paper, chairs, and tables. This sounds like an obvious lack of resource planning by campaign leaders. But I found the lack of respect for folks of every color, or any color for that matter, to be disgusting. Such discord in the campaign of a candidate of color smacks of sheer idiocy.

If the last four years of the Biden-Harris Administration have taught me anything, it is that individuals are categorized, labeled, and classified by their skin color rather than their character, integrity, ethics, and abilities. Rarely do I see the media characterize someone as well-rounded and experienced. Instead, they brand people as a Black candidate, a White candidate, or a Latino. I’m told that someone’s skin color is but 1/16 of an inch thick, yet the media chooses to classify people based on something so small and meaningless.

If the mainstream media wishes to classify someone, why not do it based on their character and abilities? Why do they always use the least important characteristic? If someone is to be judged, let them be judged by the sum and substance of their character and their deeds.


Let’s Lock Some People Up! 

I have been involved in the finance world since 1980. That’s a lot of years. During that time, I witnessed countless cases of corporate executives involved in wrongdoings, and no one was really punished except the shareholders. I think back to the Enron clusterfuck and recall that C- suite execs Skilling, Lay, Causey, and Fastow were imprisoned for their wrongdoings. And by wrongdoings, I mean lying, cheating, stealing, and committing securities fraud. We need to see more of the lock ’em up attitude. I hope that Trump’s SEC and DOJ put the teeth back into the law. 

It’s no secret that hundreds of billions of dollars of company stocks are owned in 401(k) and 403(b) employer-sponsored retirement plans. When company shares are flushed down the toilet at the first hint of impropriety, the real losers are the shareholders—the retirement plans for you, me, and our neighbors. While Jeff Skilling, Enron’s former CEO, was charged with oodles of criminal counts, he was only given a 24-year sentence and released after 12 years.

How many people’s lives were destroyed over the Enron debacle? How many retirement plans were decimated? How many college plans went up in smoke due to a C-suite full of lying, cheating thieves?

I say lock ’em up for the rest of their lives with NO possibility of parole. Let it be known in corporate C-suites that all execs will be held responsible for criminal wrongdoings. Their pensions will be cancelled and their benefits will be erased, and they will be imprisoned until they take their last breath. Maybe that will put the right amount of fear in them that they must abide by the letter and spirit of the law.

What do you think, dear readers? Let me know.

Post Script: I read with great satisfaction an article stating that McKinsey & Company, the giant consulting firm, has been ordered to pay $650 million to resolve a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. It seems they advised Purdue Pharma on how best to boost sales of OxyContin, the addictive painkiller that contributed to the US opioid epidemic. A former senior partner has agreed to plead guilty to obstruction of justice.

AND, folks, that ain’t nearly enough.

Obviously, the firm had a flock of people working on how the drug company could significantly boost sales and make more money, while addicting millions more Americans on opioids. I’m pretty certain they didn’t assign the task to one guy. Why not indict a dozen or so marketers and consultants, throw them in jail, forfeit their pensions, and personally fine each of them $250,000. That would send a statement to other consultants that their asses are on the line when they accept work that is unethical.


America Uncancelled

I am grateful that the American people voted to throw off the yoke of Biden-Harris unexceptionalism and their poisonous cancel culture, once again embracing American exceptionalism.

One example of American exceptionalism is in our history of Nobel Prizes. It’s no coincidence that about 71% (420) of all Nobel Prizes have been awarded to Americans. In case you were curious, Venezuela has one, and Iran has two. Russia has 30. America, the freest country in the world, provides more opportunities for intellectual expression, free of repression and the threat of arrest. It’s no wonder the largest companies on earth are predominantly American companies.

The reign of elite globalists with their sacks of Soros-backed billions might be headed for a cliff, if we’re lucky. We will soon have in place a supercharged American government headed by President Trump who is willing to go toe-to-toe with the global players who have occupied powerful seats around the worldwide influence table. The Trump Effect is being felt globally in these weeks before he takes office, relegating Biden to an afterthought. Headline after headline is beginning with one word: Trump. In the coming months and years, we will see if America can shake off the failed policies of Obama and Biden and once again achieve the mantle of the greatest country on the planet.


It’s Target Practice Time 

You have probably seen media reports that drones have been spotted in 10 New Jersey counties near military bases and Trump-owned golf courses. I think we need a bunch of folks with 12- gauge shotguns to ready themselves for target practice. A Republican Congressman was quoted as saying about drones, “I’ve heard they taste a whole lot chicken.” He favors shooting them down. I couldn’t agree more. I understand how a Realtor might use a drone to fly over a property for sale to take photos. I understand how kids could enjoy them—with parental supervision—in open spaces. But when they shimmer up to a family’s home or near military bases or sensitive government installations, well, its clobbering time. I support open season on these invasive mechanical spies and would not have a problem with responsible patriotic Americans pulling out their shotguns and having some target practice. 


Odds ’n’ Ends 

I tend to ignore headlines that begin with Jay-Z, Prince Harry, and P-Diddy. I suggest you do the same.

Reportedly, Cher and Eva Longoria are packed and ready to leave Trump Land. Whoopi is finally packing her bags, and we can all bid on who gets to drive her to the airport. It would be fitting to burn all three of their passports so they can’t return.

While scanning media headlines on my computer, I saw one that referred to a nonbinary influencer. My next action was to close my laptop and continue reading Atlas Shrugged.  

I spied a GREAT airport sign online: “Movie stars leaving the country – this way.”


You Don’t Create Electricity by Rubbing Two Sticks Together 

America doesn’t run on Dunkin’. It runs on energy. I feel right at home among the climate crazies, the Texas oil patch folks, and the solar and windmill crowd because I’m happy with a diversity of energy sources, namely:

  • Oil
  • Natural gas
  • Solar
  • Coal
  • Wind
  • Nuclear
  • Hydroelectric

As long as I can flick a switch and the light bulb goes on, I’m happy. But it seems there are a whole bunch of people in charge of America who have it out for nuclear energy. Why do I say that? Well, I studied some recent research that detailed the number of nuclear plants being built around the world. Frankly, I was shocked by what I read.

China is actually constructing 31 nuclear power plants. Europe is building four, and exactly ZERO are being built in the United States. We have all seen the headlines that AI and data centers will need astronomical amounts of electricity. The problem is that hardly anything is being built in developed economies, although the Chinese communists are doing an admirable job.

The United Kingdom is actually working on a nuclear plant (Hinkley Point C Project), the first one in 30 years. The problem is that it won’t be online until 2030. Worse yet, the budget has exploded threefold, now coming in at $58 billion US.

So if you’re intent on getting an electric car, it’s best you hope for drill baby drill because cloudy days ain’t a friend of solar, and nobody wants a 400-foot-tall bird-killing windmill in their backyard. And in case you forgot, we don’t mine electricity. We have to create it by spinning turbines and such from energy sources like those listed above.

Personally, I’m happy with big- ass natural gas pipelines drawing natural gas from Texas’ Permian Basin or Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale. The wells are already in place, and they can pump enough natural gas for another 100 years, no matter rain or clouds.


The War Is Over – and Character Lost

 In years past, I admired a great many in government for their intellect, ethics, patriotism, and character. The last four years, not so much. It seems there was a war on character, and it lay there defeated, ripped open by a roadside IED on the battlefield of partisanship, Green New Deal ideology, wokeness, CRT, DEI, Marxism, and progressive liberalism. Those shouting the loudest were of the least character—Adam Schiff, Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, Omar of Minnesota, Pressley of Massachusetts, Tlaib of Michigan, and lest we forget, Tim Waltz and Gretchen Whitmer. All would have failed a ninth grade high school ethics class.

And yet I see a glimmer of hope with selected giants of character, forceful intellects, and an ability to get their ideas across to large groups of Americans. Yes, I’m speaking of Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, Senators Rand Paul and Tom Cotton, along with Congressmen Comer and Jordan. There are many others—too many to mention here. On the battlefield of ideas, their voices resonate with reasoned truths, something that has lately been kicked to the gutter. Yet I am optimistic that the new Trump Administration will revive much of the character that has been lost in government. I am heartened by his Cabinet selections— Americans of abilities and success who want to be part of the solution of raising America from life support to abundant vitality.


Decrying Is All the Rage 

Almost daily I spy a media story about a Sheriff, Congressperson, Senator, or some appointed official decrying something. Just today I read of an Oregon Sheriff decrying attempts by locals to write down license plate numbers of illegal alien felons. Apparently, only journalists are permitted to use the word and only when describing an act by an appointed or elected official. I can’t remember a time when my sixth grade home room teacher, Mrs. Baker, decried anything.

Although with three dozen kids in her class, I’m sure she had plenty of opportunities. Ditto for my mom, dad, sisters, and brothers. None. Nada. Zip. No decrying going on there. In the media/political complex, there are dozens of headlines using that magic word. For example:  

  • S. Election officials decry Trump’s threat to jail them if… (Reuters)
  • Huffman leads lawmakers decrying FCC commissioner… (Huffman’s office)
  • Oregon leaders pen open letter decrying ‘political violence’ (YouTube)
  • After years of decrying mail-in ballots, GOP showing signs… (WUNC)

You get my point. Folks like you and me, we don’t decry anything. I’m sure that the mothers of decrying word-using journalists are so happy with their children’s success that they choose not to decry about it at weekly card games at the senior center.

So I ask you—and be honest—when was the last time you decried anything?

 You will find many of my interviews on my website at EOCritic.com.


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Economic Policy and National Security Are Inseparable

Economic Policy and National Security Are Inseparable

Trump 2.0 lays out specific plans to bring America back from the brink of a Biden-Harris- induced disaster. China is not only our largest national security threat, but it is also our largest economic threat since it is the number two economic power on the planet behind the USA. China’s ongoing thefts of intellectual property and its complicitness in the worldwide fentanyl traffic and unfair trade practices create multi-dimensional threats. From what I have read, the Biden-Harris Administration has not been successful in challenging China on many issues. It seems that the lay down in the street and hope you don’t get run over strategy has not proved particularly useful when facing an adversary such as President Xi. I for one am grateful that Kamala Harris won’t be the one negotiating with him and that Donald Trump has the iron balls to stand up to him. 


Labor Unions, Anti-Advancement? Huh? 

The history of America holds one example after another of new technologies disrupting old and established industries. My guess is that the buggy whip manufacturers alliance and the horse- drawn carriage employees marched on Washington, DC, when Henry Ford announced his horseless carriage and magnificent production line. It seems they were on the wrong side of history since many Americans were more than ready to ditch their horses for a Model T. 

I recall family trips as a kid to Macy’s at Herald Square in Manhattan, my dad pulling his BankAmericard out of his wallet and the clerk placing it in an imprint machine for billing. The clerk pulled down a large handle (looked like a giant stapler) that transferred the impression on the card to a thin carbon-backed receipt. These machines preceded today’s Mastercards and Visa cards. Modern credit cards are imbedded with chips that store all sorts of information. Before too long, they will probably be Bluetooth compatible and make pancakes for breakfast. If I recall, BankAmericard was a brainchild of Bank of America, and my guess is that the bank is doing just fine today with $2.55 trillion in assets.

While the jury is still out, the ability for students to learn via computer instead of being in a physical classroom has forever changed our idea of education. Students can earn college degrees without ever setting foot on a college campus. Of course, they will miss out on the whole socialization thing—fraternities, sororities, beer pong, and streaking across the soccer fields at midnight.

And with all that computing power comes the entire work-from-home movement that has had tremendous effects on commercial real estate and the need for enormous, expensive office space. Who knew we didn’t have to get out of our houses or, in many cases, our pajamas to get work done?

America may stop thinking, innovating, and coming up with new and better solutions to our problems, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Advancement is part of who we are, evidenced by our swapping caves and firepits for condos with terraces facing the Gulf of Mexico.

Yet today, longshoremen and dockworkers are up in arms because they foresee a loss of jobs as more advanced technology is introduced to the docks via AI.

It’s basically an issue of workers versus automation. Workers have demanded huge pay increases and promises that their jobs will not change due to technology. They term it “protections against automation.” The International Longshoremen’s Association is against any form of automation, whether partially or fully automated—and they won’t budge.

They demand a total ban on automated cranes. In other words, they demand that we turn back the clock and that no innovation takes place in their sphere of influence. Global competition be damned. They are okay with China cleaning our clock when it comes to global trade. It’s okay that the internal combustion engine give way to eclectic vehicles or hydrogen-powered cars, just as long as there is no automation on the docks.

The Longshoremen’s Association demands a 77% pay increase over six years. That’s 12.8% per year. That’s for entry-level positions requiring no education, beginning at $81,000 and reaching as high as $200,000 with overtime. Make no mistake, the all-powerful unions call the shots. They could shut down the ports and bring the American economy to a dead stop. With 36 port facilities on the Atlantic Coast and Gulf Coast, they handle or touch 57% of all container volume in the United States. No one even comes close to the amount of power they wield. 

Since the founding of America, mechanized automation has always replaced or augmented manual labor. The fact is that American ports lag way behind European and Asian ports in mechanization, technology, and efficiency. If you were to compare a new Chinese port and the port of Baltimore, you would come away scratching your head. Are they in the same business?


Odds and Ends

I spied a headline that began, “TickTocker Stunned.” I didn’t have the stomach to read the rest. 

Reportedly, a man in India regained consciousness just before he was to be cremated. I just don’t know what to say. Do you? 

Justa hunch, but I think that Amazon’s Black Friday haul was most likely orders of magnitude larger than the GDP of Batswana.


I Know ALL Words Are Made Up, but …

I recently read that President Trump’s Cabinet picks are being threatened and “swatted.” I stopped and thought, what the hell is swatting? Is it like swatting at a fly with a rolled-up magazine?

Google seems to be of the opinion that it deals with calling in fake threats, like pipe bombs to EMTs, police, and firefighters. These are heinous acts, and the perpetrators should be jailed.

But to go a step further, I wish whoever is in charge of words would stop creating new ones. We have more than enough already. Hey, if it ain’t in Merriam Webster’s dictionary, circa 1985, we don’t need it. So enough of swatting, blogospheres, lawfare, infowars, Twitter wars and the like. There! I said my peace. I’m done.


Hollywood Asshats 

I hear that several Hollywood actors have called Trump supporters uneducated. I thought I would stand up for a change and call out these asshats. Some of the most educated folks I know— multimillionaires, entrepreneurs, attorneys, writers, members of Congress, and other supposedly uneducated Americans—stood in line for hours to vote the Biden-Harris trash out of Washington and replace them with American values, patriotism, and common sense. So, to all the Hollywood royalty pissing on us uneducated Americans, go screw yourselves.


English … DOA 

What am I to think when I see headlines like “AOC Rips MTG after DOGE Promotion”? My first thought is that journalists far and wide failed English and intro to journalism classes. Either that or they choose to speak a secret language that no one else cares about, which begs the question, what has become of the English language?

Today’s acronyms spell the doom of intelligent conversation and written communication. Face it. Modern English is dead on arrival. Besides, who is in charge of anointing someone with initials instead of the name their mom and pop gave them? Is Elon Musk called EM by his close associates? Was Albert Einstein referred to as AE? If you are the world’s smartest or richest guy, it seems you would qualify. Evidently not. I’d like to file a complaint.

Back in my formative and youthful days, I was taught conciseness in English even though I got a C in the class and was written up for poor classroom behavior. I was taught that words had meaning and we should strive to be understood in our communications. My teacher was very concise in her letter to my dad, alerting him to the possibility of both of us being called to the principal’s office for a not-so-friendly sit-down.

Worse yet was the verbal lashing I got from my dad when we got home. He threatened to ground me until I went away to college—if I could ever find a college that would accept a behavior problem like his youngest son. It seems my pop’s threats worked as intended since I have indeed learned how to communicate and am ready to teach today’s media. 


An Abuse of the Second Amendment 

I get it. The Second Amendment was created to provide protection to Americans from the government seeking to confiscate their weapons. I am pro Second Amendment. I believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms. What I am not pro about is an illegal alien trying to use the Second Amendment as a defense for having over 170 guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

I am happy that a judge tossed out this felon’s Second Amendment defense and is preparing to boot his ass out of the country. By definition, an illegal alien is a felon and a criminal.


Folks Absolutely Have the Right to Be Idiots 

Where would we be without idiots in our midst? While scanning online media, I spied a story about a bunch of Wisconsin women assembled near Lake Michigan and engaged in a primal scream to mark their displeasure and frustration that the majority of Americans thought it was high time to dump the Democrats and elect Donald Trump as their next President. They termed it a release of their pain.

You can find a video of it making the rounds on social media if you are so inclined, although I can’t understand why you would want to. Not one to criticize the mentally bruised, I sincerely hope their screams proved therapeutic and pray I never run into any of them.

Obviously, I’m never ever going to step foot in Wisconsin. By the way, I googled my phone and learned that Wisconsin is about 1,100 miles from Canada, so these ladies can easily hightail it up north and not have to deal with the policies of the Trump Administration. Just sayin’….


How a Government Goes from Bad to Worse ─ A Tale from 5,000 Miles Yonder 

Thanks to my son Jason for sharing something chilling with me. In the 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged, author Ayn Rand detailed the exodus of leading industrialists and those of unusual capabilities from society since they were targeted by the government for their productive abilities and talent to generate capital. The more they succeeded, the more they were targeted with biased laws that singled them out and punished their ability to produce.

My disdain for the Biden-Harris Administration is rooted in their belief that it was okay to practice the same sort of lawfare against their political enemies and committed numerous crimes in the process. So why have I shared this with you? Government overreach and socialist policies are not just the stuff of great novels; they are real and ongoing today, especially in current day Norway.

Norway? Yes, Norway. About 25% of their richest folks have exited the nation due to punitive tax policies. Worse yet, the government of Norway has now imposed an exit tax of almost 40% in case you try to leave with your assets. This is yet another case of political extremists—think Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders’ policies actually becoming reality.


Social Security and Your Blood Pressure ─ The Ugly Truth 

Some folks pay tax on 50% of their Social Security income. Some folks pay tax on 85% of their Social Security income. President Trump has floated the idea that Social Security income should not be taxed at all.

So, you ask, what does that have to do with my blood pressure?

Well, everything. Your retirement lifestyle is what you experience after you have paid the taxman. As you know, an income of $40,000, $127,000, or $350,000 is seldom an after-tax reality. Like the 401(k) and IRAs of old, it’s what you have left after accounting for taxes. Many seniors and the mobs at AARP will be all over tax-free Social Security benefits. I just hope they don’t suffer strokes and heart attacks while watching House and Senate sessions tearing the idea apart and focusing on how much it will balloon an already gargantuan federal tax deficit time bomb.

I can see the conga line of ambulances arriving at county hospital emergency rooms with a diagnosis of Social Security Syndrome, brought about by the evil dictator Donald Trump. The most likely outcome in Congress is that they manage to kick the can down the road (that’s their superpower by the way). All those seniors in emergency rooms hoping for a lower tax bill and more cash flow can have a night of bingo.

An informed and aware American is a force to be reckoned with on Election Day.


—Rodger Friedman



Your Neighbor Voted for a Dimwit 

Dimwit, buffoon, asshat—who’s to tell? But here’s what you do know about that neighbor. Whatever you discuss with them turns adversarial. They do not see your viewpoint on anything. Their belief is that Donald Trump will bring about the end of America, and you have learned by now not to waste any energy trying to convince them differently.

Yes, they are a lost cause, and that’s okay because the world has been populated by lost causes since time began. Don’t try to convince them that Kelly Clarkson and Bernie Sanders are not qualified for Cabinet positions— you won’t change their minds. They refuse to believe that the Biden-Harris illegal immigration scheme has financially broken many states and caused untold misery and despair among the families of those attacked or killed by illegals. I’m told that some women on the far, far left have shaved their heads and sworn off sex. The more I think about it, the happier I am about their decisions. 


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Inflation, Murder, Money, Sex, Finance, Immigration, Russia, Government Insanity, and More

Inflation, Murder, Money, Sex, Finance, Immigration, Russia, Government Insanity, and More

Notice: I often forward my Equal Opportunity Times to those I believe think as I do, care for America and its future, and are concerned about the path our country has embarked on. I seek fertile grounds where I can plant my seeds of reason, concern, outrage, and awareness. If you know anyone who would appreciate receiving this bi-monthly update, share a copy with them, and let them now I would be happy to add them to the subscriber list. Have them email me at EOCritic@ProtonMail.com

Thank you


Let ’Em Buy Their Own Damn Books 

I gladly pay my taxes, in full and on time. I pay taxes to help defend America, keep our Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Air Force strong, well equipped, and ready to defend our way of life. I don’t pay taxes so students can get a free ride on their student loans. They agreed to borrow money to take educational courses that would improve their skills and make them attractive in the marketplace. It is their responsibility to pay back every dime of their loans.

Teachers do not teach for free, books must be purchased, dorm rooms must be rented and maintained, and college buildings will crumble without money coming in. No one gets a free ride. Contrary to what liberal progressives FEEL, education is not a human right; it must be bought and paid for. And, if any student believes that gender studies classes will make them a valuable commodity in today’s marketplace, they are delusional and in need of psychiatric help, not more college credits.



Inflation = Family Emergency 

Dan Kennedy related a story to me long ago that having an oil pan leak in the family car was tantamount to an emergency. It took me a moment to noodle through it, but I thought back to my days as a young college student, stuck in Canandaigua, New York (east of nowhere) with a broken timing gear and chain on my sister’s used Pontiac. I was broke and going nowhere until Dad bailed me out and wired the cash to the service station.

My emergency meant I couldn’t get back to school and attend class. Dan’s oil plan leak meant that Dad couldn’t get to work, Mom couldn’t shop for food, and on and on. It was no mere inconvenience; it was life-threatening. The policies of the Biden-Harris Administration have caused untold misery in the pocketbooks and wallets of hard-working Americans. Most don’t have $40,000 CDs and money market funds to draw on when the car is in the shop. Most things have be saved for, whether in coffee cans lining the kitchen window or in the change jar that Momma keeps hidden from Pa. There is no extra money just lyin’ around.



Yellen: An Excellent Choice…to Be Fired 

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news (yea, right), but Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is on record saying that more illegals coming into America will help bring inflation numbers down, and that mass deportations will likely increase inflation. She has no concept of the cost of illegals to the American people. Hey, Janet, remember intro to accounting in school? A ledger contains two columns, not one. You always have a debit if you have a credit. Can’t have one without the other. For every positive, there is a negative.

Yellen should have been fired a long time ago. Her views on economics rival those of a “C” student at state U. To the best of my knowledge, Biden has fired no one in his administration, ever. It is high time he did. And yes, she came out and apologized to the American people for telling us that inflation is transitory—not exactly a step in the right direction. Why? Because she has no business leading the Treasury. She is incompetent and a closetyeswoman doing what she is told to do, saying what she is told to say. A better choice for Treasury Secretary might be someone who actually understands global economics and money. Jamie Dimon, Chief Executive Office of JPMorgan Chase comes to mind. He would likely be a better person to occupy this office, but why the hell would he want to put up with all the political nonsense?



America Does Not Need More Government Workers 

It is my conviction that America does not need more government workers. This should be as obvious as an aircraft carrier sitting in a Kansas wheat field. Each and every new entitlement announced by Biden or promised by Harris requires added legions of government workers to run programs and administer benefits. January 20th, 2025 cannot come soon enough!



About as Common as a Tropical Storm in Saudi Arabia

I have always respected Joe Manchin as a maverick centrist who did not tow the party line. He is about as common as a tropical storm in Saudi Arabia. In 2024, he switched parties to

Independent and bid a harsh farewell to the Democrats. So kudos to the West Virginia Senator for refusing to align himself with Veep Kamala Harris’s promise to gut the filibuster rule as a path toward codifying abortion rights. Remember, that until January 2025, Vice President Harris, who is President of the Senate, casts the deciding vote in the Senate over any deadlocked legislation. The maverick senator who I admire refuses to endorse Harris and won’t even speak with her. He sees the Senate filibuster rule as sacred to democracy and views it as more important than any one person. According to CNN, “Without the filibuster rule, Senate rules would lower the threshold from 60 votes to a simple majority of 51 to advance legislation.”


Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue: What if Harris Won? Fear Her Cabinet Choices 

Gretchen Whitmer, Adam Schiff, Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler, Gavin Newsom…

Have I scared the hell out of you yet?


Fran Lebowitz: Who? 

It seems that Fran Lebowitz is a commentator, ideological asshat, and author. She appeared on Bill Maher’s Club Random in September where she proceeded to call for Biden to dissolve the Supreme Court. She called it “an insult to Motown.” Not sure whether she is channeling Diana Ross or the Temptations, but this lady(?) zoomed past deranged a long time ago. The fact that she should be asked her opinion on anything anywhere shows how desperate the extreme left has become.


Terrifying Report from ICE – Indefensible, Yet No One Is Held Accountable 

According to One America News report on September 28, 2024, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) reported that 13,099 illegals living in America have been convicted of murder, and over 20,000 have been accused or convicted of rape. These illegal aliens have been permitted to remain in the United States under the Biden-Harris Administration. One more reason why we voted President Trump back to the White House.


Biden’s Moratorium of LNG Export Licenses

From Oilprice.com: On January 26th, President Biden announced that he would pause approvals (read stop approving) of new licenses to export LNG so that the U.S. Department of Energy could take time to review and assess whether the nation’s considerable LNG exports are ‘undermining domestic energy security, raising consumer costs and damaging the environment’.” As worded, the regulation places a sketching halt on new exports of domestic liquified natural gas. This places tens of thousands of high-paying US energy jobs at risk.

Meanwhile, Mexico, Canada, and others are laughing all the way to the bank, picking up supply contracts to provide Asia with much needed LNG. Asian customers are lining up for alternative supply channels as they view the United States as an unreliable energy partner. Biden bureaucrats refuse to understand that globally, US LNG is the cleanest alternative to supplying Asia with the energy it needs.


Why Can’t the US Be More Like Russia? 

Fox journalist Caitlin McFall must have been grinning as she wrote an article published on Fox Digital on September 21, 2024. Evidently, Russia’s birthrate has dropped to such dangerously low levels that Vlad himself is encouraging workers to screw at work.

The Kremlin’s top doctor this week encouraged all Russians to engage in a “sex-at- work” scheme in a move to back President Vladimir Putin’s attempts to counter a growing population crisis. 

Despite cash incentives, tax breaks, a nationwide push to discourage abortions and Putin’s years-long attempt to encourage procreation across the country, Russia saw its lowest birth rate in the last quarter-century for the first six months of 2024, reports said following UN findings on worldwide population rates.

As nutty as this sounds to us, when asked how women are supposed to squeeze in sex during a busy 12-hour workday, Russia’s Health Minister Dr. Yevgeny Shestopalov said, “Being very busy at work is not a valid reason, but a lame excuse.”


My guess is that Putin’s next decree will be that all teenage girls, upon reaching the age of 18, will be enrolled in a mandatory screwing program to increase Russia’s probability of having a sufficient supply of young soldiers to get slaughtered in their next war.


My Library 

I think it was Jim Rohn who said, “Poor people have big TVs, rich people have big libraries. Now why do you think that is?” 

When I read that quote years ago, it started me down a path of collecting and reading important works that would advance my career, skills, and knowledge. These books helped me shape my point of view, added tonnage to my opinions, and rounded out much superficial knowledge.

Today my library holds several hundred books, after donating hundreds more to charity when I moved south some years back. I often reread books to move important ideas from the back of my head to the front. Lately, I have read masterful tomes like The 56, which chronicles the 56 men who dared to sign the Declaration of Independence, and books by Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Newt Gingrich, Ted Cruz, and others. I have reread The Federalist Papers. Each of these books in my library remind me that the idea of America is not a guarantee for all; it is an opportunity that must be grasped. America provides everyone the opportunity to make a difference, or no difference at all. Years ago, my mentor Brian Tracy taught me that class is always in session, and if you are not continually learning, you are falling behind everyone who is learning.



Mr. President, You Are NOT the Smartest One in the Room 

Although I am NOT a fan of Wikipedia, I chose to include their words here for a reason. I was curious how they define the President’s Cabinet. Wikipedia informed me that it’s the principal official advisory body of the President of the United States. Elsewhere in their description, they indicated that the Cabinet ordinarily meets every week or two. WOW! Biden has convened his cabinet after almost a year. What does that tell you about a sitting President? From my point of view, the audacity of a near senile man deciding (?) he doesn’t need advice is beyond ludicrous and outlandish.

Joe Biden convened his Cabinet for the first meeting in about 11½ months. With all that is falling apart in the world, you would have thought they wouldn’t have waited a year to have another get-together. But don’t get your hopes up. Although the full cabinet did meet, the media reported that a special guest would be in attendance. Immediately my brain went to a short list of Taylor Swift, Cher, Tom Hanks, and Georg Clooney. But alas, it was Mrs. Joe Biden with a remarkably important message about women’s health research. Please understand, I don’t downplay the importance of health research, whether for women or men, but I fail to see the urgency of that message at a full meeting of the President’s Cabinet. If I was in charge of the agenda, I would lead off with these top five urgent situations:

  1. US inflation
  2. Border emergency and illegal immigration
  3. Voting integrity
  4. Israeli war with Hamas and Hezbollah
  5. Russia-Ukraine war

While I applaud Mrs. Biden’s support for women’s health research, there is a time and a place for everything, and my gut tells me it is not in a Cabinet meeting. By the way, am I the only politically aware American who finds it absurd that the last Cabinet meeting was October 2, 2023?



Can America’s Professional Democrats Actually Think All Is Well? 

Long-time readers of the Equal Opportunity Times are no doubt aware of how I feel about the State of the Union. In a word, I feel our Union is on life support, complete with an IV and oxygen. Yet I’m amazed at how professional Democrats see the cup as being half full rather than half empty. That they acknowledge any problems at all is just short of amazing to me. After all, there is a Democrat in the White House, the Senate is deadlocked at 50/50 with Demigod VP Kamala Haris always able to cast the deciding vote in favor of team blue, and while the House has a Republican majority, it is, at best, a slim margin. Here is a list of what I see as entrenched issues that have caused extraordinary harm to America:

  • Unprecedented crimes levels
  • Mass demonstrations on college campuses and acceptance of socialist orthodoxy
  • Admitting millions of illegals into our country
  • Persistent inflation
  • Food insecurity
  • DEI entrenched in our public schools
  • Regulatory overreach by Executive departments
  • Diverting taxpayer dollars to illegals
  • Illegal student loan cancelations by Executive departments
  • Massive entitlement programs furthering dependence on a central government
  • Ongoing costs over $100 billion in caring for illegals
  • Deterioration of our military strength
  • The left continuing to push a radical agenda of hate and rhetoric, inciting violence
  • Loss of corporate media independence and extreme bias tolerated
  • Militant socialists vying for power
  • Justice Department being used to silence political adversaries (lawfare)

Is it at all possible that Schumer, Waters, Nadler, Jayapal, AOC, Sanders, Schiff, and Warren will be voted out of office anytime soon?


When the Government Allows Murderers into the US – They Murder Americans 

Waitressing was part-time, bringing in just enough money to take 6 credits at her local community college. With 24 credits already in the done column, Holly was well on her way to getting a degree in special needs childhood education. Learning how to interact with special needs children and how to teach them had become her focus and her passion. Caring for her little brother with Downs Syndrome was a labor of love. She never wanted to do anything else. That Monday night was no different than any other. Her feet ached, she was tired, she desperately needed a shower, and was looking forward to five hours of sleep before studying for an exam.

As she exited the diner in the dim pre-dawn light, she heard someone behind her. As she turned around, she was hit in the face with something hard, maybe metal. She fell to the ground. The pain was excruciating. Her assailant was brutal. He bashed her head in with a crowbar. She felt blood running down her face as someone fell hard on top of her, pulling her dress up and panties down. He entered her and treated her like an animal, punching her face and pulling her hair, all the while holding a hand over her mouth so she could not scream. With the last of her strength, she reached up and scratched at his face and eyes with her nails. Thankfully the assault was over quickly. She lay there, blood draining from her. Her last thought was her attacker running away into the woods. She died at 24 in a pool of blood.

Minutes later a police car turned into the parking lot. Two officers were getting off their shift and looking forward to breakfast. They saw the crumpled body and leaped into action. One officer calling for assistance while the other one leaned over the body, frantically searching for signs of life.

Within minutes, the police established a blockade stretching 5 miles across all sides of the diner. Dogs searched all the forests and areas closest to the scene. After searching for hours, police found the bloodied jacket of the attacker, half hidden under a rotted tree stump in a wooded area. Two hours later, the attacker was found hiding at a construction site. The attacker’s pants and shoes were covered in blood, and the left side of his face bore a huge open wound where Holly managed to scratch is face.

The attacker was fingerprinted and identified as a 27-year-old illegal from Central America. The

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) record showed he had been arrested multiple times and released. Common sense tells us this violent rapist and murderer should never have been allowed into the country. The policies of the Biden-Harris Administration permitted and encouraged millions to remain in America waiting for Immigration Court cases scheduled years into the future.

Had America abided by a strict immigration policy and expanded border enforcement, perhaps this horrible murder would never have happened and Holly would have been alive to pursue her dreams, graduate from college, and care for her brother and others like him.

But government policies do affect families. They rip families apart and cause untold despair. Meanwhile, The Biden Administration continues to allow illegals to flood America.

And no, they are not newcomers with complex immigration situations. They are illegals who should be captured and deported as soon as humanly possible.

Unfortunately, Holly’s story is not unique. Rapes and murders have been reported over and over, from Gorgia to New York to Texas and elsewhere.


Holly’s story is a compilation of nine reported incidences of illegals murdering young women in the last two years. Each of the assailants were captured and released under the Biden Administration policies. The circumstances are accurate, and the rapes and murders are real.


 U.S. Border Patrol Criminal Noncitizen Arrests 

For those die-hard liberals who insist that crime statistics shown in the media are fabricated, here are actual numbers from the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) for fiscal years (ending September 30) 2017 (Trump Presidency) through 2024 YTD (Biden Presidency).



From the CPB website: Arrests of Individuals with Criminal Convictions

The term “criminal noncitizens” refers to individuals who have been convicted of one or more crimes, whether in the United States or abroad, prior to interdiction by the U.S. Border Patrol; it does not include convictions for conduct that is not deemed criminal by the United States.

Arrests of criminal noncitizens are a subset of total apprehensions by U.S. Border Patrol.


Homicides and Manslaughter Numbers (per CBP) 

Trump – 2017: 3

Trump – 2018: 3

Trump – 2019: 2

Trump – 2020: 3


Biden – 2021: 60

Biden – 2022: 62

Biden – 2023: 29

Biden YTD: 27



The Purpose of Our Fighting Men and Women

The function of the American military is to defend our country and, if necessary, to fight and win. Said another way, it is to kill the enemy. These patriots are not to be pampered or babied. They are to be trained day and night so they are able to fight on a second’s notice. Period. It is not to complete DEI training, it is not to be subjected to ongoing equity seminars and the importance of inclusion and transgenders in the military. I have often considered the Navy Seals as America’s tip of the spear. The Seals are the most potent and lethal fighting force in our country. They train constantly and are our country’s hair-trigger response to explosive and dangerous global situations.

Biden and Harris would have these warriors sitting in inclusion classes and learning about micro-aggressions. These fighting forces are all about MACRO aggressions.

You don’t feed a king cobra a glass of warm milk. You don’t coddle a crocodile, and you don’t pet a leopard. You recognize that they are LETHAL and give them a wide birth. The Biden Administration has no concept of this.


This Story Is Entirely Possible

Not long ago I had a total hip replacement. One day, my wife left to run some errands and asked my son to take a freezer pack off my leg in 30 minutes, get me out of bed, and place the freezer pack back in the freezer when he was done watching the U.S. Open Tennis match on TV.

It seems he really wasn’t paying much attention to my wife’s simple instructions. So when the timer went off, he helped me out of bed and into the kitchen. He placed the freezer pack on the kitchen counter and proceeded to open up the freezer and stick me in it, all the while keeping one eye on the TV set. He then went back to watching the tennis open.

When my wife got home from running errands, she saw the freezer pack on the kitchen counter and asked why he hadn’t put the freezer pack back in the freezer. My son looked at her quizzically and said, “I thought you said to put Dad in the freezer.” She stopped, looked at him, and said, “You’re an idiot.” Then she opened the freezer, and sure enough, there I was, looking pretty cold and frosty. She carefully extricated me from the freezer and called 9-1-1.

The medics arrived, hooked me up to an intravenous drip, and gave me hot coffee and blankets. My son never took his eyes off the television. My wife thanked the medics, placed the freezer pack in the freezer where it belonged, and proceeded to swat my son in the head with a rolled up magazine. If there was ever a reason to take him out of my will, this was it!




Living Testimony

I am an American with inherited sovereignty.

I was born on American soil.


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Buffoon Tim Walz Wants the Electoral College Gone Permanently

Buffoon Tim Walz Wants the Electoral College Gone Permanently

FOR THE RECORD: I am grateful to all clear-thinking Americans who voted for Donald Trump and J. D. Vance. You have my everlasting admiration.

Yes, I’ve been called polarizing. blunt, direct, and pro-free speech. No wonder so many woke liberals are upset.

Notice: I often forward my Equal Opportunity Times to those I believe think as I do, care for America and its future, and are concerned about the path our country has embarked on. I seek fertile grounds where I can plant my seeds of reason, concern and awareness. If you know anyone who would appreciate receiving this bimonthly update, share a copy with them, and let them know I would be happy to add them to the subscriber list. Have them email me at EOCritic@ProtonMail.com.


What’s on my mind: 

I have come to believe that liberal Democrats gauge the success of their welfare programs by how many people they can enroll to receive benefits. In contrast, Republicans (conservatives) gauge success by how many people are removed from welfare rolls because they no longer need those benefits.


Buffoon Tim Walz Wants the Electoral College Gone Permanently

 The Founding Father’s nightmare begins with the discovery that there is an idiot in their midst. Somehow, a buffoon snuck into the Constitutional Convention on a fair Philadelphia morning. He began shouting that the new central government should foot the bill for men to be changed into women, that the Electoral College was a really bad idea, that there best be majority rule, and that all people—whether citizens of the states or not—should be entitled to numerous benefits from a newly formed U.S. Central Bank. Ben Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson looks at the stranger with disapproval and asks that he immediately be banished from the room so adults can once again get back to the important work of fashioning a nation. The Sargeant at Arms grabs the intruder and heaves him out the door with a kick in the rump for good measure. Hey, a fellow can dream, can’t he?


Biden’s Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Calls for Extinguishing Trump for Good 

Sounds like a threat to me. Perhaps the Commerce Secretary simply chose poor words to express her disapproval of Donald Trump and his campaign for President. Somehow, I don’t buy that.

She very specifically said she was “in favor of extinguishing Trump for good.” Had a common citizen of the United States uttered those words, I am certain they would have been visited by the Secret Service for making threatening remarks about someone under their protection.

Before Biden exited the Presidential race in 2024, Secretary Raimondo’s name was mentioned as a potential VP choice and running mate. She is the same person who characterized Joe Biden as decent and honorable. Wonder if she would feel the same after the entire Biden crime family is indicted for money laundering, treason, and tax evasion. Her time at Harvard and Yale doesn’t impress me. I wouldn’t send my kids there if they were offered a free ride. As for being the Governor of a state (Rhode Island) that measures 48 miles long—again, I am not impressed.

What’s more, when the Department of Labor restated a jobs number that was 810,000 lower than previously reported, this excuse for a bureaucrat blamed it on Trump misinformation. That pours water on her proclamations that the job growth has been healthy. In fact, it has been slowing on her watch. Believing that the federal government is the best choice for job creation rather than small businesses flies in the face of common sense. If you want something done extraordinarily poorly, ask the government to do it. When reporters again informed her that the corrected figures came from the Department of Labor, she stated she was not familiar with it. Forget for a moment that it was the BIGGEST news item of the day and that she is purportedly a top economic official of the Biden Administration. Conservative commentator Ned Ryun said, “Holy hell. We are governed by idiots.” I agree with him.


 YES, this country needs more unemployed politicians and when corrupt politicians start getting jail time, that means we can begin trusting the government again.



Kim Kardashian Calls for Murderers Menendez Brothers to Be Released from Prison 

Beverly Hills, 1989. Brothers Lyle and Erik Menendez murdered their parents. They were convicted of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Now, famed asshat Kim Kardashian is calling for their release. Guess she got tired of sex tapes, commercials, and living a life of fame. 


Faced with threats to freedom, we can retreat into our private lives, or we can come out and fight on the battlefield of ideas and public debate.

—David Boaz


 Poli-Tics – Who Knew?

Years ago I came across a fascinating definition of the word politics. It posited that from the Latin (who knows, maybe it was Klingon), poli means “many,” and tic means “creepy crawling blood-sucking bugs.” So putting it all together, you have many blood-sucking creepy crawling bugs. I can’t help but think that the author of that definition was onto something. Of course, there are some splendid members of Congress traversing Capitol Hill—Senator John Kennedy, Republican from Louisiana, for example. Say what you like about the state, it produced a giant intellect in that man. It reminds me of my old employer, E. F. Hutton—when Senator Kennedy speaks, I listen. I especially like it when he vets Democratic nominees for important seats in government. His command of the facts are beautiful to behold. Watching him fire questions at judges and cabinet secretaries is a lesson on how a towering intellect defends our nation. Senator Kennedy should be studied in every high school civics class.

On the flip side of the coin, an annoying tic, or creepy bug that should be shooed away, is Senator Elizabeth Warren. Her economic policies are mind-numbingly anti-capitalist and dangerous to America. All the while, she wraps herself in the robes of reason and humanity while putting forth policies that would stifle innovation, hard work, and getting ahead financially. Her view of individuals who have achieved great wealth is that their money should be confiscated for the good of ALL people. Her favorite target is Elon Musk, a multi-billionaire who paid an astounding $11 billion in federal income taxes in 2021. My guess is that it’s the largest tax bill a single individual has ever paid in American history.

And we all know how great the government is at allocated resources (read: tax revenues). So yes, Ms. Warren, billionaires are good for the country. And although Elizabeth would much rather I not list his generous gifts to charity, who the hell does she think writes the big checks? Here is a smattering of publicly available data on Elon Musk’s charitable giving.

2022: Gifted 1.95 billion Tesla shares

2021: Gifted 5.74 billion Tesla shares

Included in those gifts was $55 million to St. Jude’s Children s Research Hospital, a charity I have given to for over 20 years.


Acronym Insanity – I Give Up!

Growing up, I ran into acronyms every now and then. IOU was a standout. I knew lots of folks who had IOUs—in other words, they owed bunches of people bunches of money. Today, acronyms have gotten out of hand and often don’t make a lot of sense. Here are some I have run across that make me scratch my head. Others I have grudgingly come to accept as more and more people are intent on murdering the English language. 

PRESSER: Press conference

MOCO: Montgomery County (MD)

WAPO: Washington Post

BOGO: Buy one, get one BRB: Be right back

LMFAO: Laughing my fu*ken ass off

SHCOON: Shot hot coffee out of nose

POS: Parent over shoulder

TL,DR: Too long, didn’t read (surely a precursor to the death of civilization)


Democrats Wheel Out Their Wise OLD Sage – James Carville 

We were all subjected to Carville’s misguided tirades over the last several months as he sought to instill his love for Kamala Haris in every American who would listen. Meanwhile, this largely irrelevant political hack of yesteryear is supposedly “reeling and perplexed” by President Trump’s election victory. He’s yet another case of an intelligent yet deranged and misguided Democrat who refuses to see the reality in front of his face.


NY Governor and Attorney General Share the Stage to Give Blunt Warnings to Mr. Trump 

In case you missed the most arrogant and self-righteous press conference in New York history, why not meander over to YouTube and listen to the horrid language these politicians use and their veiled threats against President Trump. Here is the link: 



NJ Governor Murphy Announces He Will Fight Trump “to the Death” If He Detects Behavior Contrary to the Values of the Garden State 

Here’s another prime example of an asshat politician proclaiming he is ready for a fight by taking to the media with bluster and antagonism. He is following the example of the New York Attorney General and New York Governor Hochul who went on TV to announce they are ready to fight Trump at every turn. Their words were the most arrogant I have ever heard. They shared that they felt mugged by this election—really? Mugged by a reality they refuse to see. 

It’s interesting to note that President Trump lost New Jersey by 16% in 2020 and only 4% in 2024. What does that tell you?



And the mindless bravado against President Trump would not be complete without yet another despicable Democratic Governor, this time Illinois J. B. Pritzker announcing that “You come for my people, you come through me.”


It’s your turn. Massachusetts Democratic Governor Maura Healey made it known that her state police will absolutely not be cooperating with the expected mass deportation of illegals contemplated by the incoming Trump Administration. Seems she prefers spending billions of taxpayer dollars on illegals rather than on the citizens of her state. What’s interesting is that she told the media she would use every tool in her toolbox to protect the residents (NOT THE CITIZENS) of Massachusetts. Apparently, she makes no distinction between legal citizens of her state and those who committed felonies to sneak into the country and end up within her borders. To state the obvious, her state has been overwhelmed by illegals, and last year she declared a state of emergency due to the influx of illegals and requested federal assistance (MONEY).

Living Testimony

I am an American with inherited sovereignty.

I was born on American soil.


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