The Democratic Wish List That Scares the Hell Out of Me

The Democratic Wish List That Scares the Hell Out of Me

• Restrict what people can post and see on social media (censorship)
• Put Donald Trump in jail
• Pass a federal ban on voter ID
• Decriminalize illegal border crossings
• Stack the Supreme Court
• Abolish the Electoral College
• Allow non-citizens to vote


Deceitful Celebrities Lied to the American People

I expect asshat liberal celebs to keep their word. When they said, “I’m leaving if Trump is
elected,” I fully expected them to pack their Gucci bags and get the hell out of America. But
that’s not what happened. They just wanted to get up on their soapbox, yell, and attract attention.

Time: 2016

Place: Hollywood and all media sources

What: Pledged to leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected President

Update: They are still here!


Rosie O’Donnell
Barbara Streisand
Jon Stewart
Amy Schumer
Whoopi Goldberg
Miley Cyrus
Samuel L. Jackson
Neve Campbell
Chelsea Handler

Note: As near as I can tell, they are all still here. And yes, I fully expect them to repeat their
pledge in the coming weeks.


Securing Our Reserves

I’ve started reading articles about the establishment of a strategic Bitcoin reserve. I’m not entirely certain of the need and where this reserve might actually be established. It seems that not
much is secure these days, and I would be mindful of North Korean hackers gaining access to the booty. They might consider placing it on a small laptop and burying it in the salt caverns that
hold our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Just sayin’ . . .


A Little More on Voter ID

I’ve told this story before, but it bears repeating. I went to a BIG marketing conference in a
Dallas hotel about six years ago. As I lined up to check in and register in front of a massive
ballroom filled with a thousand chairs, I looked to my right and noticed a similarly huge
conference for the Texas State Teachers Association. Nothing was strange there. All sorts of
associations and organizations hold conferences with noted speakers and exhibits. What caught
my eye was that the folks at the registration table were inspecting IDs to ensure that those who
entered were Texas state educators. I made a mental note that there in Dallas, you had to prove
you were a teacher to get into a teachers’ conference, but no ID was required to vote in an
election. If progressives had their way, even teachers would not have to show ID to get into a
teachers’ conference. And oh, by the way, we still need to show ID at airport security. I guess
they want to do away with that too?


Tell Lies Enough Times, and Folks Begin to Believe It

• Bidenomics is working
• We have a secure border

Kamala Harris uttered those two outright lies on video! Is that who you want to be President of
the United States? Individuals should be elected to high office based not on their sex or the color
of their skin but on their knowledge, experience, and ability to do the job. Liking someone has
nothing to do with it.
Young Americans Would Do Well to Learn from Failed Socialist Venezuelan

As head of the Socialist Party since 2013, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reigned over a collapsing Socialist society. He has managed to keep an iron grip on the country through strongman tactics and inviting Cuban military advisors to prop up his illegal regime. Massive election fraud has allowed Maduro to stay in power all these years. In fact, in July 2024, he won
yet another contested election. It is estimated that the Venezuelan economy has contracted about 80 percent in the last decade, despite the fact that they are sitting on literally a sea of oil. Reports indicate that nearly 8 million Venezuelans have fled the country, including much-needed doctors,
dentists, engineers, and other highly skilled people.

Yet even with the Socialist spotlight on the real-time failures of this political philosophy, young Americans remain in favor of Socialist policies such as guaranteed universal income, free
education, and free medical care, with the government as employer of all and owning all means of production. These young Americans do not understand that all this precedes the death of a


Repeat after Me – Democrats Plan to Destroy Democracy (in Case It Has Not Sunk in Yet)

Here’s a reminder of how they plan to do that:
• Abolish the Electoral College
• Jail Donald Trump
• Eradicate MAGA
• Outlaw voter ID
• Put an end to free speech
• Pack the Supreme Court
• Toss the U.S. Constitution in the trash


The Intangible War

I read that a tweet from a major sports figure ignited a social media war. When will media morons understand that we don’t appreciate their hyperbole or nonsense headlines? Who cares
what happens in the Twitterverse? Best folks put down their phones and do something productive.


Sometimes You Just Have to Scratch Your Head

A recent Fox headline read, “Google AI Chatbot Refuses to Answer Questions about Trump
Assassination Attempt, Relating to Previous Policy.” Now I’m not a chatbot expert, and I would
know if I were in an elevator with one, but . . . how can a chatbot refuse anything?


Content Moderation My Ass

I’m a great believer that words have specific meanings. Why else would we choose one word
over another? For example, that movie sucked versus that movie was okay. I get hot under the
collar when folks call for content moderation—a thinly veiled synonym for censorship—
especially on social media platforms, in the workplace, and at poison ivy universities and many
liberal Northeast colleges. Individuals get de-platformed (is that even a word?), fired from their
jobs, not promoted, denied tenure, and more. It seems these folks forget about something called
the First Amendment that states we can say what we want in America without fear of retribution.
Yet there is a whole swath of progressive liberals who want to deny that right to everyone who
doesn’t sing their song or hold to their warped opinions. Content moderation is NOT moderation.
It is a denial of free speech, and it is censorship. Lest you forget, that word is not spoken here in


I Was Annoyed by Something I Read – No Surprise There!

At the very end of July 2024, I spied an article that said that the Biden Administration will email everyone who has student loans about possible potential debt relief. Forget for a moment that the
Biden Administration—in its last dying breath—is attempting to flout the will of both Congress and the Supreme Court by continuing to release student loan borrowers from their legal
obligations in return for Democratic votes this November. This smacks of ILLEGAL in so many ways. I am hoping for an immediate judicial injunction. By the way, since when does the United States government email you?



Achieving Financial Autonomy

What can I say? I’ve been working with money for over 40 years and thought this would be of
interest. Please enjoy this YouTube video I recorded with the CEO of Greek University, the
largest organization serving college fraternities and sororities in the nation.

Living Testimony:
I am an American
with inherited sovereignty.
I was born on American soil.

This message, is covered under this NOTICE and is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and/or confidential PRIVATE information. Any and all political, private, or public entities, federal, state, or local corporate government(s), municipality(ies), international organization(s), corporation(s), live individual(s), person(s), agent(s), investigator(s), or informant(s), et al., and/or third party(ies) working in collusion by collecting, observing, monitoring, and/or analyzing my email(s), using any means of spying and/or data collection is PROHIBITED. Without my exclusive WRITTEN permission, all communications herein are PRIVATE. In de jure freedom.

Any omission(s) not specifically enumerated herein cannot be construed as permission by default. This notice prohibits any and all unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution, verbally or otherwise, with explicit reservation of all my rights, without prejudice and without recourse to me. Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or ALL intellectual property rights or reserved rights!

DISCLAIMER: This is solely for entertainment purposes. Published and distributed by EOCritic LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public use or private use—other than “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author.

This is provided with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, investment, or other professional advice or services. If these services are required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

No liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken, the author and publisher assume no liability for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

Copyright © 2024 EOCritic LLC



Only Americans Should Vote in Our Elections

Only Americans Should Vote in Our Elections

 Please note: Perhaps you noticed that the Equal Opportunity Times has been a bit sporadic during the summer months. Know that I plan on updating you twice each month beginning in August. Much of my time has been spent as a guest on radio and podcasts. From time to time, I will share with you some information from those shows so you can enjoy some excellent back and forth with various hosts and be informed and entertained at the same time.


Only Americans Should Vote in Our Elections

I’m an admirer of House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). Yes, he is deeply religious. That doesn’t bother me. Yes, he looks like Clark Kent, and I think that’s funny as hell. The Speaker previously served as chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the largest caucus of conservatives in Congress, known as “the intellectual arsenal of conservatism in the House.” Not bad for a guy with funny glasses.

Johnson recently made a tour of the Biden-Harris border disaster zone. He spoke with senior members of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and learned firsthand something Kamala Harris has refused to admit—that the situation at America’s southern border is an ongoing catastrophe. The Biden Administration’s recent executive order merely shifted the deck chairs on the Titanic with hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring into America every month. The goal? Millions of new Democratic voters, ensuring a permanent Democratic majority in Congress and throughout the land. Guatemalans belong in Guatemala, not on our school boards. Local and national policies must be governed by American citizens, not those who evaded deportation.


Thick Skin: The Only Thing I Have in Common with a Piece of Political Trash

I’ve grown a thick skin during the many years of my career. I’ve had people hang up on me, refuse to follow my advice, call me names, tell untrue stories about me, and even fire me. But that’s par for the course in any career where you seek to rise above the average and do work that is highly rewarding.

I began my career on Wall Street in 1980. Back-of-the-envelope math tells me that’s about 44 years ago. The thick skin part began on May 5, 1980, my first day at E.F. Hutton & Co. My new boss—the first one that was not my dad—was a short, pear-shaped fellow who reminded me of the Penguin, Batman’s archnemesis. He walked liked actor Burgess Meridith and even talked like him, but his encyclopedic knowledge of the securities and brokerage industry was astounding. When he wasn’t yelling at me, he was schooling me in the many aspects of my new job as an internal auditor in Hutton’s legal and compliance department. My job was to review, monitor, research, and test the thousands of stockbrokers who comprised Hutton’ sales force.

I crisscrossed the country for several years as part of a team that audited scores of branch offices and thousands of stockbrokers from Boise, Idaho to Honolulu, Hawaii, to Rock Island, Illinois, to somewhere in Wisconsin, to Malibu, to Fort Lauderdale and everywhere in between. I had big producers yell at me and tell me I was wrong until I presented proof to their branch managers that they were lying and sometimes stealing from their clients. I enjoyed being THE POLICE, and the power was at times intoxicating. I ended more than a few careers during those years. My time as an internal auditor helped fashion my sense of right and wrong and how individuals who are entrusted with others’ capital should behave. I developed a strong sense of doing the right thing, something our elected representatives appear to be struggling with.

I’m grateful that a bill before Congress that would prohibit stock trading by members of Congress and their spouses is actively being debated, essentially putting an end to Nancy Pelosi’s stock trading business. It’s a pity the Congresswoman was never a colleague of mine at Hutton. Perhaps she would have learned some ethics and how good it feels to tell the truth and not spew lies. But I’ll give Nancy Pelosi credit. She does have thick skin, and hopefully that is the only thing I have in common with that piece of political trash.


Thought of the Day

Do ya think Oscar Wilde was a relative of Senator Elizabeth Warren? After all, one of his more insane ideas was that “rich bachelors should be heavily taxed. It’s not fair that some men should be happier than others.”


Some of the “Smart” People Running This Country Are Complete Morons


Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ): Over $100,000 in gold bars and almost $500,000 in cash were found in his closets. Mind you, they were found stuffed in coat pockets, socks, and shoes. And this guy is “helping” run the country? He was recently found guilty of bribery and is resigning from the Senate. Yay Dems! Go team!

AOC (D-NY): This financial illiterate’s goal is to bankrupt the nation and install a socialist form of government. Here is some of the language—word for word—from her 2019 bill, H.R. 5071:

To provide access to Federal public benefits for aliens, without regard to the immigration status of that alien, and for other purposes…………………. For purposes of this section, the term

“Federal public benefit” means…… (2) any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, unemployment benefit, or any other similar benefit for which payments or assistance are provided to an individual, household, or family eligibility unit by an agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the United States.

Unless I am mistaken, AOC wants to provide benefits to everyone who manages to sneak into the county and is guilty of a felony. How many millions would qualify? How is this to be paid for? Oh yeah, have the rich pay their fair share.

Maxine Waters (D-CA): This idiot Congresswoman has declared that Trump supporters need to be investigated, claiming they are domestic terrorists. Well, I claim that this member of Congress is an idiot. Remember, she is the one who urged everyone to harass members of the Trump Administration in churches, restaurants, and everywhere they could be found with their families. Waters is a poisonous person who should have never been reelected by the morons who elected her to Congress.


Joe Biden Is NO George Washington

It is evident that no journalist at CNN or MSNBC ever studied history when they majored in journalism at Woke U. Remarks comparing Biden to George Washington as one of the greatest presidents in US history are unjustified and false platitudes that news station bosses directed journalists to say on the air. I find the comparison reprehensible. Do you?


America Is Clueless – AOC and Kamala Harris Are Cut from the Same Ultra- Liberal Cloth

  1. Free universal public healthcare to undocumented illegals
  2. Voting rights for murderers, rapists, and felons of all stripes
  3. Prohibit offshore drilling
  4. Prohibit fracking
  5. Total elimination of all fossil fuels
  6. Elimination of red meat from American tables
  7. Get rid of the filibuster
  8. Decriminalize illegal border crossing
  9. Abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
  10. Defund police nationwide
  11. Mandatory buyback of all assault weapons

Is this who you want to lead the nation, be the next commander-in-chief, and be a role model for your kids?


I invite you to my website, which features some interesting interviews, updates, testimonials, and podcasts. While you’re there, consider purchasing copies of my Amazon best-seller, Erasing America: Broken Politics, Broken Country. The book makes a great birthday or holiday gift for fellow conservatives. You can find my book on Amazon and other fine book sellers.


Why We Need More Conservative Judges

Liberal judges interpret the Constitution the same way sixth graders would do in social studies class. Those students would be in favor of adding a Constitutional amendment to ban teachers from banning their cell phones in class. We do not have an elastic Constitution, and there is a reason that sixth graders are not given the right to vote.


Way to Go, Kamala!

I ran across a somewhat cryptic paragraph about a Democratic staffer who recently joined the Kamala Harris campaign as Deputy Press Secretary. The snippet made mention of the fact that “they” work as a drag queen on weekends, according to his social media bio. WOW! DEI forever! Inclusive! Way to go, Kamala!


Random Truth

 No one has the right to march across our border uninvited, unannounced, or unvetted and expect to receive benefits reserved only for citizens of the United States of America.


Random Drivel

 Sometimes I’m stunned by what I read, and unfortunately, it happens more often than it used to. Case in point: an article published in the New York Post on July 27, 2024. Seems I was totally unaware that there is a notorious astrologer loose on the Internet. Apparently, Amy Tripp called the exact date of Biden’s announcement that he would remove himself from the Presidential race. So because she made this correct prediction—and my sincere apologies to all the Las Vegas bookies who had placed bets on this—Ms. Tripp is now crowned the most notorious astrologer on the Internet. Who else but the New York Post could come up with such drivel to keep city commuters entertained while they sit sweltering on buses and subways?


Not a Surprise 

According to a story I saw in Newsmax on July 17, 2024, a new Reuters poll suggests that a full 80 percent of Americans feel the United States is spiraling out of control. Well, they are preaching to the choir. I don’t know anyone who is happy about the path that America is on. So, who ya gonna vote for come November?


For the Record 

I really don’t care what George Clooney thinks—or Pink, Barbara Streisand, Tom Hanks, and others. Should Donald Trump win the Presidency, I expect all these nice liberal folks to stay true to their word and leave the United States permanently.


Progressive Democrats Refuse to See Their Reflections in the Mirror 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was recently quoted as saying, “Donald Trump and the MAGA right will plunge our country into an abyss of extremism the vast majority of Americans oppose, and which America has really never seen.”

Hmm. Extremism, Mr. Majority Leader? If you want to point the finger at extremists, how about Democrats’ strategies to:

  • Erase America’s borders
  • Defund the police nationwide
  • Require taxpayers to subsidize illegal aliens’ healthcare
  • Marginalize women’s sports by allowing biological men to compete nationwide
  • Refuse to implement stringent voter ID laws

President Trump will try his best to reverse all these misdirected progressive policies.


The Democratic Wish List That Scares the Hell Out of Me

  • Restrict what people can post and see on social media (censorship)
  • Put Donald Trump in jail
  • Pass a federal ban on voter ID
  • Decriminalize illegal border crossings
  • Stack the Supreme Court
  • Abolish the Electoral College
  • Allow non-citizens to vote


Deceitful Celebrities Lied to the American People

I expect asshat liberal celebs to keep their word. When they said, “I’m leaving if Trump is elected,” I fully expected them to pack their Gucci bags and get the hell out of America. But that’s not what happened. They just wanted to get up on their soapbox, yell, and attract attention.

Time: 2016

Place: Hollywood and all media sources

What: Pledged to leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected President

Update: They are still here!


Rosie O’Donnell

Barbara Streisand


Jon Stewart

Amy Schumer

Whoopi Goldberg

Miley Cyrus


Samuel L. Jackson

Neve Campbell

Chelsea Handler

Note: As near as I can tell, they are all still here. And yes, I fully expect them to repeat their pledge in the coming weeks.


Securing Our Reserves

I’ve started reading articles about the establishment of a strategic Bitcoin reserve. I’m not entirely certain of the need and where this reserve might actually be established. It seems that not much is secure these days, and I would be mindful of North Korean hackers gaining access to the booty. They might consider placing it on a small laptop and burying it in the salt caverns that hold our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Just sayin’ . . .


A Little More on Voter ID

I’ve told this story before, but it bears repeating. I went to a BIG marketing conference in a Dallas hotel about six years ago. As I lined up to check in and register in front of a massive ballroom filled with a thousand chairs, I looked to my right and noticed a similarly huge conference for the Texas State Teachers Association. Nothing was strange there. All sorts of associations and organizations hold conferences with noted speakers and exhibits.

What caught my eye was that the folks at the registration table were inspecting IDs to ensure that those who entered were Texas state educators. I made a mental note that there in Dallas, you had to prove you were a teacher to get into a teachers’ conference, but no ID was required to vote in an election. If progressives had their way, even teachers would not have to show ID to get into a teachers’ conference. And oh, by the way, we still need to show ID at airport security. I guess they want to do away with that too?


Tell Lies Enough Times, and Folks Begin to Believe Them

  • Bidenomics is working
  • We have a secure border

Kamala Harris uttered those two outright lies on video! Is that who you want to be President of the United States? Individuals should be elected to high office based not on their sex or the color of their skin but on their knowledge, experience, and ability to do the job. Liking someone has nothing to do with it.


Young Americans Would Do Well to Learn from Failed Socialist Venezuelan State

As head of the Socialist Party since 2013, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reigned over a collapsing Socialist society. He has managed to keep an iron grip on the country through strongman tactics and inviting Cuban military advisors to prop up his illegal regime. Massive election fraud has allowed Maduro to stay in power all these years. In fact, in July 2024, he won yet another contested election. It is estimated that the Venezuelan economy has contracted about 80 percent in the last decade, despite the fact that they are sitting on literally a sea of oil. Reports indicate that nearly 8 million Venezuelans have fled the country, including much-needed doctors, dentists, engineers, and other highly skilled people.

Yet even with the Socialist spotlight on the real-time failures of this political philosophy, young Americans remain in favor of Socialist policies such as guaranteed universal income, free education, and free medical care, with the government as employer of all and owning all means of production. These young Americans do not understand that all this precedes the death of a society.


Repeat after Me – Democrats Plan to Destroy Democracy (in Case It Has Not Sunk in Yet)

Here’s a reminder of how they plan to do that:

  • Abolish the Electoral College
  • Jail Donald Trump
  • Eradicate MAGA
  • Outlaw voter ID
  • Put an end to free speech
  • Pack the Supreme Court
  • Toss the S. Constitution in the trash


The Intangible War

I read that a tweet from a major sports figure ignited a social media war. When will media morons understand that we don’t appreciate their hyperbole or nonsense headlines? Who cares what happens in the Twitterverse? Best folks put down their phones and do something productive.


Sometimes You Just Have to Scratch Your Head

A recent Fox headline read, “Google AI Chatbot Refuses to Answer Questions about Trump Assassination Attempt, Relating to Previous Policy.” Now I’m not a chatbot expert, and I would know if I were in an elevator with one, but . . . how can a chatbot refuse anything?


Content Moderation My Ass

I’m a great believer that words have specific meanings. Why else would we choose one word over another? For example, that movie sucked versus that movie was okay. I get hot under the collar when folks call for content moderation—a thinly veiled synonym for censorship—especially on social media platforms, in the workplace, and at poison ivy universities and many liberal Northeast colleges. Individuals get de-platformed (is that even a word?), fired from their jobs, not promoted, denied tenure, and more. It seems these folks forget about something called the First Amendment that states we can say what we want in America without fear of retribution. Yet there is a whole swath of progressive liberals who want to deny that right to everyone who doesn’t sing their song or hold to their warped opinions. Content moderation is NOT moderation. It is a denial of free speech, and it is censorship. Lest you forget, that word is not spoken here in America.


I Was Annoyed by Something I Read – No Surprise There!

At the very end of July 2024, I spied an article that said that the Biden Administration will email everyone who has student loans about possible potential debt relief. Forget for a moment that the Biden Administration—in its last dying breath—is attempting to flout the will of both Congress and the Supreme Court by continuing to release student loan borrowers from their legal obligations in return for Democratic votes this November. This smacks of ILLEGAL in so many ways. I am hoping for an immediate judicial injunction. By the way, since when does the United States government email you?


Achieving Financial Autonomy

What can I say? I’ve been working with money for over 40 years and thought this would be of interest. Please enjoy this YouTube video I recorded with the CEO of Greek University, the largest organization serving college fraternities and sororities in the nation.

Living Testimony

I am an American with inherited sovereignty.

I was born on American soil.




This private email message, including any attachment(s), CCs, BCCs, or REPLIES, are covered under this NOTICE and is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and/or confidential PRIVATE information. Any and all political, private, or public entities, federal, state, or local corporate government(s), municipality(ies), international organization(s), corporation(s), live individual(s), person(s), agent(s), investigator(s), or informant(s), et al., and/or third party(ies) working in collusion by collecting, observing, monitoring, and/or analyzing my email(s), using any means of spying and/or data collection is PROHIBITED. Without my exclusive WRITTEN permission, all communications herein are PRIVATE. In de jure freedom.

Any omission(s) not specifically enumerated herein cannot be construed as permission by default. This notice prohibits any and all unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution, verbally or otherwise, with explicit reservation of all my rights, without prejudice and without recourse to me. Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or ALL intellectual property rights or reserved rights!





DISCLAIMER: This is solely for entertainment purposes. Published and distributed by EOCritic LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public use or private use—other than “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews— without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author.


This is provided with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, investment, or other professional advice or services. If these services are required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.


No liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken, the author and publisher assume no liability for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


Copyright © 2024 EOCritic LLC

Only Americans Should Vote in Our Elections

Only Americans Should Vote in Our Elections

I’m an admirer of House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). Yes, he is deeply religious. That doesn’t bother me. Yes, he looks like Clark Kent, and I think that’s funny as hell. The Speaker previously served as chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the largest caucus of conservatives in Congress, known as “the intellectual arsenal of conservatism in the House.” Not bad for a guy with funny glasses.

Johnson recently made a tour of the Biden-Harris border disaster zone. He spoke with senior members of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and learned firsthand something Kamala Harris has refused to admit—that the situation at America’s southern border is an ongoing catastrophe. The Biden Administration’s recent executive order merely shifted the deck chairs on the Titanic with hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring into America every month. The goal? Millions of new Democratic voters, ensuring a permanent Democratic majority in Congress and throughout the land. Guatemalans belong in Guatemala, not on our school boards. Local and national policies must be governed by American citizens, not those who evaded deportation.


Thick Skin: The Only Thing I Have in Common with a Piece of Political Trash

I’ve grown a thick skin during the many years of my career. I’ve had people hang up on me, refuse to follow my advice, call me names, tell untrue stories about me, and even fire me. But that’s par for the course in any career where you seek to rise above the average and do work that is highly rewarding.

I began my career on Wall Street in 1980. Back-of-the-envelope math tells me that’s about 44 years ago. The thick skin part began on May 5, 1980, my first day at E.F. Hutton & Co. My new boss—the first one that was not my dad—was a short, pear-shaped fellow who reminded me of the Penguin, Batman’s archnemesis. He walked liked actor Burgess Meridith and even talked like him, but his encyclopedic knowledge of the securities and brokerage industry was astounding. When he wasn’t yelling at me, he was schooling me in the many aspects of my new job as an internal auditor in Hutton’s legal and compliance department. My job was to review, monitor, research, and test the thousands of stockbrokers who comprised Hutton’ sales force.

I crisscrossed the country for several years as part of a team that audited scores of branch offices and thousands of stockbrokers from Boise, Idaho to Honolulu, Hawaii, to Rock Island, Illinois, to somewhere in Wisconsin, to Malibu, to Fort Lauderdale and everywhere in between. I had big producers yell at me and tell me I was wrong until I presented proof to their branch managers that they were lying and sometimes stealing from their clients. I enjoyed being THE POLICE, and the power was at times intoxicating. I ended more than a few careers during those years. My time as an internal auditor helped fashion my sense of right and wrong and how individuals who are entrusted with others’ capital should behave. I developed a strong sense of doing the right thing, something our elected representatives appear to be struggling with.

I’m grateful that a bill before Congress that would prohibit stock trading by members of

Congress and their spouses is actively being debated, essentially putting an end to Nancy

Pelosi’s stock trading business. It’s a pity the Congresswoman was never a colleague of mine at Hutton. Perhaps she would have learned some ethics and how good it feels to tell the truth and not spew lies. But I’ll give Nancy Pelosi credit. She does have thick skin, and hopefully that is the only thing I have in common with that piece of political trash.


Thought of the Day

Do ya think Oscar Wilde was a relative of Senator Elizabeth Warren? After all, one of his more insane ideas was that “rich bachelors should be heavily taxed. It’s not fair that some men should be happier than others.”


Some of the “Smart” People Running This Country Are Complete Morons


Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ): Over $100,000 in gold bars and almost $500,000 in cash were found in his closets. Mind you, they were found stuffed in coat pockets, socks, and shoes. And this guy is “helping” run the country? He was recently found guilty of bribery and is resigning from the Senate. Yay Dems! Go team!

AOC (D-NY): This financial illiterate’s goal is to bankrupt the nation and install a socialist form of government. Here is some of the language—word for word—from her 2019 bill, H.R. 5071:

To provide access to Federal public benefits for aliens, without regard to the immigration status of that alien, and for other purposes. . . . For purposes of this section, the term “Federal public benefit” means . . . (2) any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, unemployment benefit, or any other similar benefit for which payments or assistance are provided to an individual, household, or family eligibility unit by an agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the United States. 


Unless I am mistaken, AOC wants to provide benefits to everyone who manages to sneak into the county and is guilty of a felony. How many millions would qualify? How is this to be paid for? Oh yeah, have the rich pay their fair share.

Maxine Waters (D-CA): This idiot Congresswoman has declared that Trump supporters need to be investigated, claiming they are domestic terrorists. Well, I claim that this member of Congress is an idiot. Remember, she is the one who urged everyone to harass members of the Trump Administration in churches, restaurants, and everywhere they could be found with their families. Waters is a poisonous person who should have never been reelected by the morons who elected her to Congress.


Joe Biden Is NO George Washington

It is evident that no journalist at CNN or MSNBC ever studied history when they majored in journalism at Woke U. Remarks comparing Biden to George Washington as one of the greatest presidents in US history are unjustified and false platitudes that news station bosses directed journalists to say on the air. I find the comparison reprehensible. Do you?


America Is Clueless – AOC and Kamala Harris Are Cut from the Same UltraLiberal Cloth

  1.  Free universal public healthcare to undocumented illegals
  2. Voting rights for murderers, rapists, and felons of all stripes
  3. Prohibit offshore drilling
  4. Prohibit fracking
  5. Total elimination of all fossil fuels
  6. Elimination of red meat from American tables
  7. Get rid of the filibuster
  8. Decriminalize illegal border crossing
  9. Abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
  10. Defund police nationwide
  11. Mandatory buyback of all assault weapons

Is this who you want to lead the nation, be the next commander-in-chief, and be a role model for your kids?


I invite you to my website, which features some interesting interviews, updates, testimonials, and podcasts. While you’re there, consider purchasing copies of my Amazon best-seller, Erasing America: Broken Politics, Broken Country. The book makes a great birthday or holiday gift for fellow conservatives. You can find my book on Amazon and other fine book sellers.


 Why We Need More Conservative Judges

 Liberal judges interpret the Constitution the same way sixth graders would do in social studies class. Those students would be in favor of adding a Constitutional amendment to ban teachers from banning their cell phones in class. We do not have an elastic Constitution, and there is a reason that sixth graders are not given the right to vote.


Way to Go, Kamala!

 I ran across a somewhat cryptic paragraph about a Democratic staffer who recently joined the Kamala Harris campaign as Deputy Press Secretary. The snippet made mention of the fact that “they” work as a drag queen on weekends, according to his social media bio. WOW! DEI forever! Inclusive! Way to go, Kamala!


Random Truth

 No one has the right to march across our border uninvited, unannounced, or unvetted and expect to receive benefits reserved only for citizens of the United States of America.


Random Drivel

Sometimes I’m stunned by what I read, and unfortunately, it happens more often than it used to. Case in point: an article published in the New York Post on July 27, 2024. Seems I was totally unaware that there is a notorious astrologer loose on the Internet. Apparently, Amy Tripp called the exact date of Biden’s announcement that he would remove himself from the Presidential race. So because she made this correct prediction—and my sincere apologies to all the Las Vegas bookies who had placed bets on this—Ms. Tripp is now crowned the most notorious astrologer

on the Internet. Who else but the New York Post could come up with such drivel to keep city commuters entertained while they sit sweltering on buses and subways?


Not a Surprise

According to a story I saw in Newsmax on July 17, 2024, a new Reuters poll suggests that a full 80 percent of Americans feel the United States is spiraling out of control. Well, they are preaching to the choir. I don’t know anyone who is happy about the path that America is on. So, who ya gonna vote for come November?


For the Record

 I really don’t care what George Clooney thinks—or Pink, Barbara Streisand, Tom Hanks, and others. Should Donald Trump win the Presidency, I expect all these nice liberal folks to stay true to their word and leave the United States permanently.


Progressive Democrats Refuse to See Their Reflections in the Mirror

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was recently quoted as saying, “Donald Trump and the MAGA right will plunge our country into an abyss of extremism the vast majority of Americans oppose, and which America has really never seen.”

Hmm. Extremism, Mr. Majority Leader? If you want to point the finger at extremists, how about Democrats’ strategies to:

  • Erase America’s borders
  • Defund the police nationwide
  • Require taxpayers to subsidize illegal aliens’ healthcare
  • Marginalize women’s sports by allowing biological men to compete nationwide
  • Refuse to implement stringent voter ID laws

President Trump will try his best to reverse all these misdirected progressive policies.


 The Democratic Wish List That Scares the Hell Out of Me

  •  Restrict what people can post and see on social media (censorship)
  • Put Donald Trump in jail
  • Pass a federal ban on voter ID
  • Decriminalize illegal border crossings
  • Stack the Supreme Court
  • Abolish the Electoral College
  • Allow non-citizens to vote

    Deceitful Celebrities Lied to the American People

     I expect asshat liberal celebs to keep their word. When they said, “I’m leaving if Trump is elected,” I fully expected them to pack their Gucci bags and get the hell out of America. But that’s not what happened. They just wanted to get up on their soapbox, yell, and attract attention.

    Time: 2016

    Place: Hollywood and all media sources

    What: Pledged to leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected President Update: They are still here!


    Rosie O’Donnell

    Barbara Streisand


    Jon Stewart

    Amy Schumer

    Whoopi Goldberg

    Miley Cyrus


    Samuel L. Jackson

    Neve Campbell

    Chelsea Handler

    Note: As near as I can tell, they are all still here. And yes, I fully expect them to repeat their pledge in the coming weeks.


    Securing Our Reserves

    I’ve started reading articles about the establishment of a strategic Bitcoin reserve. I’m not entirely certain of the need and where this reserve might actually be established. It seems that not much is secure these days, and I would be mindful of North Korean hackers gaining access to the booty. They might consider placing it on a small laptop and burying it in the salt caverns that hold our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Just sayin’ . . .


    A Little More on Voter ID

     I’ve told this story before, but it bears repeating. I went to a BIG marketing conference in a Dallas hotel about six years ago. As I lined up to check in and register in front of a massive ballroom filled with a thousand chairs, I looked to my right and noticed a similarly huge conference for the Texas State Teachers Association. Nothing was strange there. All sorts of associations and organizations hold conferences with noted speakers and exhibits. What caught my eye was that the folks at the registration table were inspecting IDs to ensure that those who entered were Texas state educators. I made a mental note that there in Dallas, you had to prove you were a teacher to get into a teachers’ conference, but no ID was required to vote in an election. If progressives had their way, even teachers would not have to show ID to get into a teachers’ conference. And oh, by the way, we still need to show ID at airport security. I guess they want to do away with that too?


    Tell Lies Enough Times, and Folks Begin to Believe It

    • Bidenomics is working
    • We have a secure border

    Kamala Harris uttered those two outright lies on video! Is that who you want to be President of the United States? Individuals should be elected to high office based not on their sex or the color of their skin but on their knowledge, experience, and ability to do the job. Liking someone has nothing to do with it.


    Young Americans Would Do Well to Learn from Failed Socialist Venezuelan State 

    As head of the Socialist Party since 2013, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reigned over a collapsing Socialist society. He has managed to keep an iron grip on the country through strongman tactics and inviting Cuban military advisors to prop up his illegal regime. Massive election fraud has allowed Maduro to stay in power all these years. In fact, in July 2024, he won yet another contested election. It is estimated that the

    Venezuelan economy has contracted about 80 percent in the last decade, despite the fact that they are sitting on literally a sea of oil. Reports indicate that nearly 8 million Venezuelans have fled the country, including much-needed doctors, dentists, engineers, and other highly skilled people.

    Yet even with the Socialist spotlight on the real-time failures of this political philosophy, young Americans remain in favor of Socialist policies such as guaranteed universal income, free education, and free medical care, with the government as employer of all and owning all means of production. These young Americans do not understand that all this precedes the death of a society.


    Repeat after Me – Democrats Plan to Destroy Democracy (in Case It Has Not Sunk in Yet) 

    Here’s a reminder of how they plan to do that:

    • Abolish the Electoral College
    • Jail Donald Trump
    • Eradicate MAGA
    • Outlaw voter ID
    • Put an end to free speech
    • Pack the Supreme Court
    • Toss the U.S. Constitution in the trash

      The Intangible War

      I read that a tweet from a major sports figure ignited a social media war. When will media morons understand that we don’t appreciate their hyperbole or nonsense headlines? Who cares what happens in the Twitterverse? Best folks put down their phones and do something productive.


      Sometimes You Just Have to Scratch Your Head 

      A recent Fox headline read, “Google AI Chatbot Refuses to Answer Questions about Trump Assassination Attempt, Relating to Previous Policy.” Now I’m not a chatbot expert, and I would know if I were in an elevator with one, but . . . how can a chatbot refuse anything?


      Content Moderation My Ass 

      I’m a great believer that words have specific meanings. Why else would we choose one word over another? For example, that movie sucked versus that movie was okay. I get hot under the collar when folks call for content moderation—a thinly veiled synonym for censorship—especially on social media platforms, in the workplace, and at poison ivy universities and many liberal Northeast colleges. Individuals get de-platformed (is that even a word?), fired from their jobs, not promoted, denied tenure, and more. It seems these folks forget about something called the First Amendment that states we can say what we want in America without fear of retribution. Yet there is a whole swath of progressive liberals who want to deny that right to everyone who doesn’t sing their song or hold to their warped opinions. Content moderation is NOT moderation. It is a denial of free speech, and it is censorship. Lest you forget, that word is not spoken here in America.


      I Was Annoyed by Something I Read – No Surprise There!  

      At the very end of July 2024, I spied an article that said that the Biden Administration will email everyone who has student loans about possible potential debt relief. Forget for a moment that the Biden Administration—in its last dying breath—is attempting to flout the will of both Congress and the Supreme Court by continuing to release student loan borrowers from their legal obligations in return for Democratic votes this November. This smacks of ILLEGAL in so many ways. I am hoping for an immediate judicial injunction. By the way, since when does the United States government email you?


      Achieving Financial Autonomy 

      What can I say? I’ve been working with money for over 40 years and thought this would be of interest. Please enjoy this YouTube video I recorded with the CEO of Greek University, the largest organization serving college fraternities and sororities in the nation.



      Living Testimony

      I am an American with inherited sovereignty.

      I was born on American soil.




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      DISCLAIMER: This is solely for entertainment purposes. Published and distributed by EOCritic LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public use or private use—other than “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews— without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author.


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      Polarized America

      Polarized America

      I often read stories about Turning Point’s Charlie Kirk visiting campuses, speaking universal truths, and being yelled out, ganged up on, spit on, and run out of town. America’s delusional youth don’t like to hear the truth. What’s more, they appear to be extremely disappointed in an America they barely know. They scream and stomp their feet at perceived injustices, intellectually opting for the gentler embrace of socialism, sitting around campfires with picket signs at the ready, passing joints, and singing “Kumbaya.”

      It is evident that they don’t understand true socialism. They don’t understand history because they have never read it. They can’t answer a question without asking Google. They lack knowledge and understanding. They would rot from the inside out if dropped into Cuba or Venezuela. They rail at intellectual honesty as well as fair and respectful discussions and debate, opting instead for in-your-face personal attacks, threats of violence, and the like. Ben Shapiro was on point when he said, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”


      Don’t Engage, Don’t Argue with Them

      America’s colleges and universities have utterly failed to help create useful, productive citizens who can lead dynamic lives, pay taxes, raise families, and become successful in their own right. Instead, we have a generation of an offended class who don’t share our truths or our values. They lack character and appear to play by the Marxist doctrine handbook. They disparage all who don’t agree with them and are intolerant of those who don’t share their opinions and worldview. They seek to recast America’s history and view our country as inherently racist. They embrace a dishonest political platform that is spoon-fed to them by progressives who are intent on tearing apart our society and all America stands for. They spit on veterans, loot and riot, and condone violence to achieve their aims. They are unrecognizable as your neighbors’ children. I have learned not to engage with them since civil discourse is beyond their reach. They offend the vast majority of hard-working Americans who are grateful to live in this country, who recite the Pledge of Allegiance, respect the flag, and stand for the national anthem.


      America Is Broken

      Attention college grads! Stop whining! Stop your never-ending appeals for relief of the crushing burden of repaying loans you entered into lawfully in order to enroll in useless courses at liberal colleges to feel cool, interesting, and connected with peers and that utterly and undeniable did not prepare you to earn a living, pay your rent, enjoy $6 coffee at Starbucks, buy $1200 iPhones, repay your loans, support yourself, or build wealth in the freest and richest country in the history of the world.

      I read articles such as one this morning in the Washington Examiner describing how the Biden Administration is freezing loan repayments following court rulings by a pair of federal judges in Kansas and Missouri who blocked parts of the administration’s plan to freeze student loan repayments. Biden’s SAVE program, administered by the Department of Education uses a formula to determine monthly loan repayments based on income, family size, and other factors. It is not surprising that 56 percent of the more than 8 million people signed up for the program qualify for zero dollars per month loan repayment. The courts’ view, rightfully so, is that ONLY CONGRESS has the authority to forgive student loans. Kansas U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree indicated that “blue collar Kansas workers who didn’t go to college shouldn’t have to pay off the student loans of New Yorkers with gender studies degrees.”

      It is stunning, sad, and ridiculous that these lawsuits are still winding their way through our courts, taking valuable time, energy, resources, and taxpayer dollars to adjudicate what should have never been allowed to occur in the first place. Meanwhile, the Department of Education— which I feel should be disbanded and metaphorically burned to the ground—has indicated that it will not give up on its promise to fight for long overdue relief for borrowers. Remember, these borrowers borrowed the money, and the loans originated with the federal government. The Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citibank are not at fault. The fault lies with the federal government—a government that insists on coddling, providing entitlements, spending money it doesn’t have, showering favored groups with special advantages, and overstepping executive authority to the point where it is sued to stop violating the law. This cannot end soon enough.

      Were my kids in high school and beginning to view their future as a range of possibilities with nothing preordained, I would counsel them that the choices are many, including trade schools, college, military, apprenticeships, and starting a business. In today’s politically charged atmosphere, I would make it clear that dad paying for a liberal arts degree at a college is not on the table.


      This Thought Has Been Living Rent-Free in My Mind for 25 Years

      I was 43 years old and held certain beliefs that helped me make sense of the world around me. One of those beliefs was that you make your own way. No one owes you anything. You work to improve your circumstances, and there are no free lunches. I saw my dad work 60 to 80 hours a week; he understood what hard work was. I put in decades of 60-hour weeks to provide a great life for my family without any expectation of handouts or unearned benefits. As JFK famously said, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.”

      There are tens of millions of Americans who would be puzzled by JFK’s statement and others who would outright reject it. I call them the entitlement generation. They believe they are entitled to benefits because America is an uncaring place that takes advantage of everyone and must elevate those at the bottom to be equal with those at the top so everyone has a fat chicken in their pot, basic universal income, free college education, paid-off student loans, and an electric car in every driveway. They view capitalism as evil, despite the fact that it has enabled America to achieve a level of prosperity that has made it the envy of the world.


      The Founders Created Three Co-Equal Branches of Government – Not One

      Have you ever read the U.S. Constitution? It tells us that Congress is the arm of government that passes laws—not the President. Congress! If you have been keeping up with the news, you may have noticed that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in multiple cases against Biden’s Executive Departments, including the FTC, the SEC, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Education. In each case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Executive agencies are not empowered to make law, that this right is reserved exclusively for Congress under Article I, Section 8, Clause 18, which states:

      [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

      I happen to be a strong believer in the U.S. Constitution and get very angry when it is pissed on by government officials. If I had my way, the offending government bureaucrats would be very publicly fired and deprived of their government pensions. That would make the consequences very real.


      Welcome to My Nightmare

      No doubt you all witnessed the recent spectacle—uh, carnage—on CNN between two Presidents. While my thought was not to opine on what I saw, I do have to make the following points so I can once again attempt to enjoy a good night’s sleep without waking repeatedly in cold sweats. As I watched President Biden speak, freeze, slur, and look lost, angered, confused, sad, unpresidential, foolish, and generally uninspiring, my mind went to secured rooms around the world filled with the likes of Iranian mullahs, assorted terrorists, President Xi, President

      Putin, Kim Jong Un, and others who seek to do us harm, and considered what they must be thinking as they watched CNN. Terrifying!

      They have already taken actions that would have been unthinkable four years earlier, and as they watched that night’s debate, I would guess they felt emboldened to attempt actions in the next five months while sleepy Joe is still at the switch. This scares the hell out of me.

      Worse yet, understand that Joe Biden is the Commander in Chief with his finger on the nuclear button. If that doesn’t scare the hell out of you, my guess is that you are not conscious.

      Welcome to my nightmare.


      The Five-Pound Locks and an Impressionable Teenager

      It was 1970. I was 14 years old and helping my dad at the family laundry in the heart of New York City’s Time Square. Imagine a skilless teenager, sleepy and annoyed, “helping” Dad at 7:00 a.m.—prepping the store for the day’s work. Not only did I not want to be there, but I didn’t even want to be awake. That was not on the day’s menu, however. My dad was a no-nonsense boss who expected things to be done right the first time. So you can imagine his disappointment with his bell-bottomed, long-haired, lazy, inattentive son screwing things up time after time. But something strange happened during those long summer days as I worked 10 to 12 hours side by side with my dad. My thinking started to change, and I developed a work ethic.

      For some strange reason, my mind goes back to three heavy steel locks that secured the large iron gates that protected the store’s glass windows from random attacks by New York’s criminals. Each morning, I turned the small keys that opened the three heavy, gleaming locks, and what occurred to me was that those locks were protecting the asset that fed, clothed, and sheltered our family. Without them, Norton’s Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company would be helpless against rocks, bricks, crowbars, and assorted attacked by those who wanted to steal and damage anything not nailed down. Times Square was not a safe place in the 1960s, the 1970s, or the 1980s, and police presence could not be counted on.


      Make it Count- Make Your Voice Heard 

      A big shout-out to my many mentors who have instilled in me many important lessons. Chief among them is that I learned not to play small. It’s easy to blend in, be average, and not rock the boat. It’s comfortable to sit in the back of the room and hope you’re not called on. I guess that’s what many aspire to, and that’s a damn shame. WE need to speak up and make our voices heard, especially on Election Day. If you’re going to play, play big. Whatever you DO, make it count!


      America Has a Reading Emergency

      There is a large swath of our population who receive their information from TikTok and YouTube videos. For them, the written word has been relegated to the trash heap, something their parents and grandparents engaged in that is no longer desirable or necessary. Woe to them when they apply for a job and actually are required to read something. I can see it now:

      Job applicant: Um, do you happen to have the employment questions on video? It would be really super if I could watch it on TikTok on my phone.

      Potential employer: Sorry, we can’t accommodate you on that. You see, we expect our employees to read and understand. Uh, actually I don’t think you’re a great match for our company. It was nice meeting you, Miss. Please see the person at the desk on your way out and surrender your visitor pass.

      Job applicant: I really don’t feel comfortable being called Miss. My professors taught me that is micro-aggression to make me feel inferior. I thought your company would provide me a safe space where I could grow as a social person. I really don’t think I could work here. You probably don’t like me anyway.

      Potential employer: I like you just fine, but you appear to have no abilities, and uh, you can’t or don’t want to read. We require our employees to think and read, and it appears you have neither of those skills. We don’t hire the useless. And we are a safe place in that we have never had any harassment claims. I wish you well. This interview is over. Good day.


      $$$ Better Spent at Home to Fight Crime

      The U.S. Department of Labor will invest $4 million to reduce barriers impeding LGBTQI+ youth in Latin America and the Caribbean. Evidently, the Biden Administration feels that gay etc. youth have less educational and occupational opportunities in South America and the Caribbean so they feel compelled to send US taxpayer money there to help solve the problem. ’Nuff said . . .


      YES! We Need More Billionaires

      Mackenzie Scott who divorced Amazon’s Jeff Bezos has reportedly given away $16.5 billion since the divorce. In July 2024, she announced another $640 million in charitable donations to 361 small nonprofits. Michael Bloomberg gave away $3 billion in 2023 and $1 billion to Johns Hopkins in July 2024.The list goes on and on—wickedly successful people (or their spouses) giving away gargantuan sums of money to help the less fortunate and endow universities, performing arts centers, hospitals, libraries, and more.

      Have you ever noticed the names of folks on hospital wings when you go in for an operation? Odds are that some billionaire donated all the money needed to build the hospital wing that your ass is sitting in. So yes, we need more of these billionaires, the same ones that insane Vermont socialist Senator Bernie Sanders says are cousins of the devil. Capitalism allows the extraordinary to flourish. Think about Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer, Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and scores more. According to the Charities Aid Foundation, America was the most charitable nation on the planet between 2009 and 2018. Since then, it has consistently ranked near the top.

      Billionaires also pay ultra large tax bills. Data from Americans for Tax Fairness reports that billionaires pay either hundreds of millions or billions in taxes. So the next time you hear some politician bitching that their secretary pays higher taxes then Joe or Jane Billionaire, tell them to shove it because they are lying through their teeth. By the way, President Biden lied when he told Americans that the average tax rate for billionaires is 8.2%.


      What Is the ROI (Return on Investment) of My Political Science Degree?

      Well, as near as I can tell, the ROI of my political science degree—and mind you, this is just an approximation—is, in round numbers, uh, um, zero. Yep. Nothing, nada, zilch, nil. To get my bachelor’s degree, I most likely had to take scores of credits dealing with government, the U.S. Constitution, the courts, the executive branch, and on and on. Not one iota of it has been valuable to me over the last 47 years. None of it has helped support my family, buy a house, pay down a mortgage, send my kids to college, build a nest egg, or grow a 401(k) and other assorted assets.

      Instead, what was worth its weight in gold and silver was (pay attention, class; this is a writer downer) everything I learned about selling, marketing, public speaking, networking, goal setting, writing, pig-headed determination , saying thank you, being on time, AND a love of reading. If you are not reading at least two books each month, you are competing with folks who are reading two, three, four, or even five books a month, and YES, you will most likely be at a disadvantage. And when it comes to learning from mentors, there are two time frames to keep in mind—now and not now. Which do YOU think will yield the highest return?

      It is imperative that you have mentors who have been there and done that. My list of mentors is long, including Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Doberman Dan, Brian Tracy, Dan Sullivan, Tommy Hopkins, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Lee Milteer, Jay Abraham, Brendon Burchard, Jeffrey Gitomer, Darren Hardy and others. I learned from these mentors in person and from their books, newsletters, cassettes, and CDs. The magic of it all is to listen repeatedly, read, re-read, absorb the lessons, write your own notes by hand, and read and re-read your notes over and over until the lessons are part of your knowledge bank that you can call upon instantly. Remember, we change lives with the skills we have.

      Were I to counsel someone who is having trouble picking a college major, my best advice would be to NOT do what I did. Run—don’t walk—away from political science!


      There’s a New Reality Coming

      Whether Kamala Harris is elected in November and things get decidedly worse or Trump is elected and things get decidedly better, our lives will never be the same. Hopefully, our new reality will include the following:

      • American energy independence
      • Lower prices at the pump
      • Lower interest rates
      • Lower mortgage rates
      • Lower inflation
      • Lower crime rate
      • Completing the border wall
      • Deporting illegals who have no legal right to be in the United States


      Cell Phone Idiocy

      Do you really need your cell phone every time you go to the toilet? I believe it has something to do with cell phone anxiety—the fear of being disconnected. What if someone posts something on Instacrap and you are not there to respond withing 12 seconds??? Will you be blackballed, ostracized, made fun of, not allowed to sit at the cool kids table at lunch, not be invited to the party, or, worse, be unfriended?

      Social media has become today’s Wild West with few rules and many gangsters vying for power and dominion over common folk. Not only do I not personally know anyone with a gazillion followers, I don’t care to. I’m certain that if influencing were a college major, they could not find enough “professors” to teach the classes.

      Hi. I’m John. I’m an influencer. I have 289,000 followers. What do you do?

      I, uh, work at Starbucks.

      I remember sitting in an advanced writing and speaking class taught by Brian Tracy in his Santa Barbara office. Brian is the author of over 70 books that I’m aware of. Something in particular he said resonated with me to my core, and to this day, I have never forgotten it. He said, “The very worst use of your time is to do very well that which need not be done at all.”

      So the next time you run into someone with a vice-like grip on their iPhone, tell them to loosen up and get a life.


      Few People Have Seen a Vault Like This One

      The year may have been 1975. I could be wrong. But back then I had a job at the Greater New York Blood Bank. It was somewhere on the upper west side of Manhattan near Amsterdam Avenue. I got the job either through the friend of a cousin or the cousin of a friend. Who knows? The blood vault contained several hundred pints of blood that was the emergency reserve for New York City hospitals.

      Anyway, the job was kinda part-time—three days a week, 14-hour shifts, complete with a bed for sleeping on the job. You see, my shift was 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. the next morning. My job was to answer the phone when a hospital called and said they needed pints of blood or platelets for emergency surgery. It was not uncommon for Beth Israel Hospital, Montefiore Hospital, or NYU Medical Center to scream that they need nine pints of O negative blood for a gunshot wound to the chest. These calls woke me out of a sound sleep on many occasions.

      Many nights—I called them the calm ones—I wouldn’t get a call for three or four hours, which allowed me to sleep like a baby and get paid. The ringer on the phone was set to maximum so I would never sleep through an emergency call. When the call came in, I immediately called my medical supervisor who authorized the release of a certain number of units based on how many pints were in the vault. I would then walk into the vault and retrieve the specified number of pints, pack them with dry ice, and call a taxi cab to speed them to the waiting hospital and surgery suite.

      And yes, it was one of the strangest jobs I have ever had, not including my week at the Brockport Diner. But that’s a story for another day . . .




      DISCLAIMER: This is solely for entertainment purposes. Published and distributed by EOCritic LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public use or private use—other than “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author.


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      Are Skills and Abilities a Thing of the Past?

      Are Skills and Abilities a Thing of the Past?

      Growing up as a kid in the 1960s in downtown Manhattan (the one in New York, not Kansas), I was afforded a ringside seat to the world of hard work, perseverance, planning, goal-setting, and achievement. The best lessons provided came from watching my dad, an entrepreneur who inherited a small Times Square laundry from his parents and grew it into a large, profitable enterprise that thrived for five decades. I looked around and saw people working, often more than the minimum eight hours, to put a roof over their heads and food on the table. The few folks I spoke with who attended college took courses that instilled skills—something lacking in today’s college curriculum.

      Trade schools flourished, teaching money skills such as carpentry, welding, electrical work, plumbing, and the like. There were “schools” whose classrooms were acres of dirt and mounds of sand where students were taught how to operate bulldozers, cranes, scrapers, and other heavy yellow machinery. Truck driving schools taught eager students how to operate long haul trailers coast to coast. These schools were filled with eager minds in search of marketable skills, not excuses. There were no demonstrations or riots over diversity, inclusion, or equality. There were whites, blacks, Asians, and others who were all there for one reason and one reason only—to learn and apply skills so they could get high-paying jobs. They were there to do the work, not complain.

      Now, take a look around you. Let me tell you what I see. Half of America doesn’t want to work. They want taxpayers to pay off their student loans, and they can’t cook for themselves, opting for fast food delivery from others who think Postmates, Google Food, or DoorDash are careers. They complain that food costs are too high, gas is too expensive, and buying a home with an 8% mortgage rate is not affordable. And we are supposed to feel sorry for these cretins who voted the current slate of incompetent progressive liberal Democrats into office with their promises of handouts, entitlements, and outright cash.

      These same incompetents’ policies have lit the fuse to ongoing high inflation, woke policies, and inane overregulation. Their narrative goes something like this. As all of you self-important Millennials have graduated from college—sans skills—without any useful abilities that are in demand by employers, and as you have retreated to the comfort of your parents’ basement and have no ability to feed or clothe yourself, or obviously to afford the newest generation of iPhone, you need the government to step in and provide entitlements so you don’t starve to death and shrivel up as a penniless, incompetent, whining collection of atoms and molecules.


      Global Warming and the State of Texas

      The climate police would have you believe that every weather event striking our southern states—Texas among them—is the result of global warming, overdependence on fossil fuels, farting cows, and the like. It’s a shame that inconvenient facts get in the way of their narrative.

      Take Galveston, Texas, for example. In 1900, long before today’s climate terrorists started screaming global warming, a massive hurricane with winds of 145 miles per hour devastated the island city on the Gulf Coast of Texas, causing thousands of deaths. And this is not a new phenomenon. Major hurricanes are said to hit the Texas coast on average every 15 years. In fact all the states bordering the Gulf of Mexico have a long history of severe storm activity, so Galveston is in good company.

      Here’s a message to all the progressive climate activists. Methane from herds of cattle and recent fracking for oil and gas did not bring on a sudden surge of hurricane activity. The facts seem to be inconvenient. I think these progressive and intolerant climate police are skating on thin ice.


      One Group’s Entitlement Is another Group’s Obligation

      I wonder if all those folks who have had their student loans cancelled by President Biden truly understand who is footing the bill for their cancelled debt. Something else I wonder about is whether all the illegals who have crossed our Southern border and were provided debit cards, cell phones, medical assistance, and plane tickets believe—like the delusional students—that the US government paid for it all.

      Well, yes, in a sense, they have. But truth has many layers, just like some vegetables I won’t name. You see, the government has money to give away when it goes in debt and when it taxes working Americans. The government takes from one group—taxpayers—and gives the money to another group— illegals or debt-ridden students. I am fine sending all illegals over the border and being rid of them. Hopefully, President Trump will have the opportunity to make my dream come true.


      Biased Historian – Turn LEFT at Democrat Crossing

      A Fox News article written by Alba Cuebas-Fantauzzi and published on June 3, 2024, had me rolling my eyes before I even read the second paragraph. Evidently, an MSNBC Presidential historian (didn’t know there were historians on woke media payrolls) warned that if Donald Trump won the Presidency a second time, the United States “would dissolve into dictatorship and anarchy.”

      Wow! Talk about extreme right-wing rhetoric passing itself off as informed commentary from a noted news source. The “historian” in question is Michael Beschloss, a prominent political historian turned radical left-wing asshat. In his comments on Twitter about the Mar-a-Lago raid on President Trump’s home, he compared it to the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg espionage case. He defended himself by saying, “I was not suggesting that Donald Trump be executed. I was doing a historical tweet about the most famous nuclear secrets case in American history.” A historical tweet? Someone might smack this fellow in the head for uttering such drivel.

      I long ago decided to place MSNBC on my do not watch list due to their cultural elites telling me everything I am thinking is wrong and just conservative nonsense, and that only they have the key to American goodness and what’s good for our country. Phooey! My distrust of corporate media skyrocketed as I listened to journalists leaving out key facts that didn’t support their narratives. I liken the talking heads at MSNBC to self-righteous foot soldiers of the far left.

      Come to Think of It

      You know, I can’t turn around without reading headlines about our knucklehead leader. This time, Mr. Biden was set to veto a military funding bill over abortion, gay rights, and DEI provisions. These are not exactly the three most important things that come to mind when I think of supporting our brave men and women who defend our country.

      “When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, people have no choice but to exercise their original right of self-defense- to fight the government.”

      —Alexander Hamilton, Founding Father, First Treasury Secretary, chief architect of the American financial system

      By the way, in June 2023, President Biden berated Second Amendment supporters, saying, “You know, I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is—you know, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16. You need something else than just an AR-15,”

      I invite you to my website, which features some interesting interviews, updates, testimonials, and podcasts. While you’re there, consider purchasing copies of my Amazon bestseller, Erasing America: Broken Politics, Broken Country. The book makes a great birthday or holiday gift for fellow conservatives. There is a link to Amazon on the website for your convenience.



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