Feel the Bern

Feel the Bern

My guess is that hospital trauma departments (everywhere but Vermont) would be overflowing should there be a repeat of the Bernie for President movement. While progressives would be high-fiving each other, conservatives such as myself would be experiencing heart attacks, palpitations, and extreme cases of nausea and vomiting. Nothing makes my blood run colder than Sanders, Warren, Nadler, Schumer, Waters, Schiff, Newsom, AOC, Jeffries, and the absurd cast of leftist characters who seek to tear down our constitutional republic and hoist a banana republic in its place.

At age 82, Bernie Sanders has outlived his usefulness in the United States Senate. We could craft a powerful argument that this actually occurred in 2007, his first year as a United States Democratic Senator from Vermont. One astute journalist, Peter Kirsanow, writing for the National Review on February 25, 2020, called him “terminally obtuse” and “the most useful idiot.” I couldn’t agree more. Ben Shapiro, one of the brightest minds in the country, also calls him an idiot, and for good reason. So I’m in good company. Peter, Ben and even Donald Trump agree with me that this senator should be put out to pasture, or at least in a nursing home for the criminally stupid. Count me as one of the tens of millions who do not want to feel the Bern.

I make no bones about it. This progressive neoliberal, defender of economic equality, and all- around asshat would do America a favor by retiring and allowing saner minds to take his place. In a time of intense and growing military threats throughout the world, Sanders is often heard jawboning for reduced military spending. Although I am not a resident of Vermont, his influence is felt from coast to coast as a senior member and Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on

Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. What it means is that he has undue influence in the areas of legislation. Think Title IX, misgendering, men in women’s locker rooms, and men playing on women’s sports teams. The list of insane policies he supports is damn near endless. Were I his dad, I would have taken him out behind the woodshed decades ago and beat the snot out of him.


Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

It is not far-fetched to consider the following Democratic scenario: Biden anoints Kamala as his heir apparent and bows out of the race. Probable? Not certain. Possible? Yes. My bags are packed, and I’m ready to go anywhere but here. A Kamala presidency is frankly terrifying. 

Can things go from bad to worse? Yes. During her last campaign, Kamala focused on offering incremental improvements on Barack Obama’s policies. No thank you! Harris is a despicable politicians who lies, cheats, and deceives at every turn. 

If Harris was running America, I fear more of the progressive Democratic policies championed by Biden and Obama, two of the worst Presidents of my lifetime (and that includes Carter when the economy sank into the abyss of double-digit mortgages, sky-high interest rates, and rampant inflation). While Taylor Swift announces that she will leave America if Donald Trump is elected President, I’m fairly certain that Kamala would invite her to sing at the inauguration, and for Christmas, Easter, and Transgender, Bisexual, Non-Binary Appreciation Day. I see the Internet exploding with tweets of joy and the whole World Wide Web crashing to dust. Welcome to my nightmare.


Where Do All Those Trump Dollars Go?

Yes, I have donated to the Trump campaign. I’ll keep the amount secret from all but family.

But what is interesting is the amount of direct mail I have been receiving from every member of the Trump family—except young Barron (I haven’t gotten a fundraising letter from him yet, but I wait patiently). What’s even more interesting is that I receive multiple letters every day from Eric, Don Jr., and even Don Sr. himself asking for contributions. And mind you, they are not shy about their ask. There’s no mention of giving $25, $37, or $50. These pros are asking for $100, $500, $1,000 and more. 

The copy (how the professional copywriters crafted their pitch) is worthy of study in advanced direct mail marketing courses. Dan Kennedy would love it! I suspect that the most profitable use of the dollars they collect is to turn around and send more pleas for cash. I guess it works for the majority of those receiving the letters. They must figure that the best return on the cash is to spend it on postage and more letters rather than tablecloths at banquets, flowers, and gas for the limo. As for me, I’m jaded. I understand their strategy, and I only give when the moment strikes me. Still, I read each word of the letters since they are superbly well-crafted. Their focus is on saving America from the horrific policies of the Biden gang. Do you want an MBA in persuasive letter writing? Send the Trump campaign some money, and you will hear from them weekly.

Then study and use the principles they employ.


Exclusionary and Outdated – Not on My Watch

All the yelling and foot stomping—I don’t get it. I’m referring to the continued insanity and hysterical theatrics going on in the New York City Council. They have pushed Mayor Eric Adams to authorize in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments for gay men employed by the city government. Their thinking, simply put, is that if a husband and wife are incapable of getting pregnant, the city health plan steps in and foots the bill, which runs into the tens of thousands of dollars. Why should two gay men equipped with prostates, testicles, and penises not qualify for the same benefits? Its discrimination! Call out the troops! Make the taxpayers pay!

The lawmakers argue that family building benefits should be offered to all employees, and it cannot be conditioned on a definition of heteronormative infertility. In other words, where pregnancy is a biological impossibility—absent a Dr. Frankenstein cutting off Harold’s scrotum and inserting a working uterus and other assorted internal plumbing—should not determine the availability of benefits. (Read FREE MONEY). I can go on and tell you more of this inane situation, but the more I read about it the worse my headache gets. If you are interested, you have more than enough information to google the rest of it. In other words, have at it! ’Nuff said.


The Six Default Behaviors of Dumb Voters

  1. Failure to investigate candidates
  2. Asking your friend, spouse, brother, sister who they are voting for and doing the same
  3. Deciding whether your vote will count and then just voting for random candidates
  4. Only voting for President and disregarding all other candidates
  5. Voting for candidates whose names you like
  6. Failure to understand candidates’ policies and relevant experience


We No Longer Use This Word

It seems the Biden administration has stopped using the term Bidenomics since the public does not associate it with good economics. Truth be told, for the average American, it should reflect a 21 percent increase in overall prices during the 3+ years of the failed and harebrained policies of the Biden administration 


The Catastrophe at Our Southern Border

In case you missed it, masses of ungrateful illegal immigrants have been captured on video hurling rocks at border patrol agents. They are doing this to distract border agents so others can run across the border and get away. These are not people we want anywhere near our borders. In fact, we should be doing everything possible to throw their asses out of America. I recently spoke with hosts of the Institute of World Politics, and these deranged liberals see no problem with this. They should listen to New York Republican Congressman Anthony D’Esposito who explains why illegals are sucking American resources, and we are all worse off for it.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is complicit with Joe Biden in creating the worst American immigration crisis in modern history. Here is data from the Department of Homeland Security. There were more “gotaways” in fiscal years 2021 to 2023 (1.6 million) than the entire decade from 2010 to 2020 (1.4 million). This is in addition to the reported 9.5 million illegals who entered our country due to Biden’s insane and dangerous border policies.

Don’t be fooled by talk of a compromise plan that the Senate and Biden are pushing that would allow 5,000 migrants to enter each day (that’s 1.5 million per year) before the borders would be sealed. This is basically an attempt to legalize massive immigration and should not be allowed to become law. This is insanity! Schumer is on record as saying that “our ultimate goal is to grant citizenship to every illegal in the country.”

And if you missed it, the world-famous New York Post reported that illegals are flooding the border prior to our November elections, anticipating a Trump win that would immediately shut down the border.



Inflammatory Rhetoric ─ The Biden Administration Superpower

We all remember the Biden speeches that promised to bring the nation together, to forge alliances among diverse groups, and to move the country forward as one nation. Well, that was all a crock of shit. Biden and Company has done more to harm race relations than any other administration in modern memory. Each time he stands at a lectern, his talk divides people and places them in separate categories. Some journalists characterize his speeches as spewing venom. They’re not wrong.


Biden Does NOT Surround Himself with Competence

Look at Biden’s advisors. We have an enfeebled gay mayor of a small Midwest city with no relevant experience or expertise acting like a Secretary of Transportation. He was chosen because of his sexual orientation. We have a transgender man in a dress sporting lipstick and high heels and parading himself/herself/itself around as an HHS Assistant Secretary. We have a useless biracial Vice President because she checked off the boxes—(a) woman (b) Black. People are NOT selected based on merit, expertise, experience, and ethics. They are chosen because they can check off the boxes.


Boston: I Find You Profoundly Disturbing

I have great disdain for Boston Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu, a progressive liberal. She is an unfit politician who is well-intentioned AND incompetent. Boston has become a city where immorality is commonplace—the new normal. What kind of message does it send to criminals when they find out that some of their crimes will not be prosecuted? Hey, it’s okay. We’ll look the other way. What happens then? They become emboldened and bring it up a notch. I for one don’t want to be there when that happens.

Mayor Wu believes in this policy and is fighting to make it permanent—that lower-level crimes should not be prosecuted. What is a lower-level crime?

  • Breaking and entering
  • Shoplifting
  • Receiving stolen goods
  • Larceny
  • Driving with a suspended license

Should a lowlife be caught breaking and entering the Mayor’s residence and be caught stealing her personal possessions and adding them to all the stuff he shoplifted earlier that day while joy riding with a suspended license and found to be in possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, this piece of human trash would not be prosecuted.

Just splendid!

Perpetrators of crimes should be punished, not let off because it is politically expedient. Lawlessness feeds on itself. You get more of what you tolerate. It’s a pity that this idiot Mayor doesn’t know that. Evidently, Harvard Law School did not teach Ms. Wu common sense.

Residents of Boston voted this idiot into office. Now they will deal with the inevitable consequences of their poor decision.


DISCLAIMER: This is solely for entertainment purposes. Published and distributed by EOCritic LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public use or private use—other than “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author.


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Do You Love America Enough to Vote Joe Biden Out of Office?

Do You Love America Enough to Vote Joe Biden Out of Office?

It would be really difficult and damn near impossible to look around you and honestly say that we are all better off than we were three years ago. Back in 2020, Barack Obama reportedly said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” It seems my second least favorite American President knew a thing or two about his right-hand man. But let’s get back on point. I’m going to assume that you, like me, love America. Were that not the case, you would have moved by now to parts unknown. But you’re still here—and that tells me you have faith in this country. And if you love America and have faith in it, you want the best for it, right? Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden is best for America? If you do, please tell me why you feel that way. I am willing to listen.

Look at the long list of the Biden Administration’s dubious accomplishments. What do you see? An emboldened liberal Democrat leadership that seeks to control everything? Regulatory overreach that knows no bounds? I think you would see socialist policies that would make our Founding Fathers choke on their evening ale. You’d also see a misuse of government funds on a scale I have never seen before.

Let me share a story with you. Let’s focus on one issue that will serve to highlight Biden’s incompetence and failed policies. Think back to 2021 and the passage of the monstrosity Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that earmarked $7.5 billion for 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations to be built by 2030 across America.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg—former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, population 102,000, who brings NO skills to this present job whatsoever—has attempted to defend why only eight charging stations have been built since funding began in 2021. It’s now 2024, folks, and they have built eight charging stations. What does that tell you? Listening to Secretary Buttcrack is like listening to California Governor Gavin Newsom explain away his state’s massive $60 billion debt by blaming it on “oceans of air currents” and global warming.

Americans understand that snake oil salesmen sell snake oil. These frauds don’t sell the truth. They want power and money, and everything and everyone else be damned. We Americans deserve better. If you love America, vote Joe Biden and his band of deceitful politicians out of office come this November.


Duct Tape Won’t Fix Broken America

Nearly every American knows that almost all challenges (“problems”) can be solved with a combination of (a) hard work, (b) money, and (c) duct tape.

This is clear to just about anyone but liberal Democrats, socialists, and anarchists in the Biden Administration who have refused to put in the hard work to secure America’s borders. Current estimates of the number of illegals pouring across our borders top 12 million. Not to beat you over the head, but that’s the population of Maryland and Missouri combined.

The Biden Administration, along with states and cities such as Denver, California, New York, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and more are wasting no time to throw taxpayer money at all manner of illegals. And NO, they are NOT newcomers—they are illegals who have broken our laws.

According to retired police detective and outspoken conservative New York Republican Congressman Anthony D’Esposito, America’s resources are being diverted from helping American citizens in need to helping illegals who should be expelled from this country. D’Esposito serves on the House Committee on Homeland Security. Moreover, this is a politician who arrested murderers, rapists, and all sorts of human garbage during his ten-year stint with the New York Police Department.

In a recent interview, D’Esposito said

There are places where those resources that normally would be utilized by good, hardworking Americans are being sucked up at this point by migrants.”

There is not enough duct tape to solve the shit storm Biden has created. What we need is a change of leadership and a draining of the swamp. If you doubt this, you’re not as smart as you think you are. Election Day—you know, November 5th—can’t come soon enough.


Slapping the American Voter Upside the Head

At what point will the American electorate come to the conclusion that they are worse off under Biden polices? I can drone on about mortgage rates, inflation, immigration, crime, energy independence, regulatory overreach, and more, but I won’t. Instead, I will ask a series of simple questions. When you hear President Biden speak:

  • Does he instill confidence?
  • Is he clear thinking?
  • Is he a strong leader?
  • Is he decisive?
  • Does he make smart decisions?
  • Is he sharp as a tack?
  • Are you okay with his mental competence?

Congressman Jerry Nadler says that Donald Trump “is a threat to our democracy, to the rule of law, and to the integrity of our elections.” Gee! That’s what I say about him and his despicable colleagues.


Their Plan to Confiscate Your Wealth

In their never-ending strategy to tax every dollar that is not nailed down, some states—among them California—are trying to push a bill that would tax wealth above $50 million. If you have

$50 million, they are seeking to confiscate 1% annually. If you have $250 million, they are seeking to confiscate 2% annually. After all, the states are on a mission to redistribute wealth and pull up those folks who don’t like to work for a living. They want to put an electric car in every garage and a vegan meatloaf in every electric non-gas oven.

An intelligent strategy to counter a state that proposes an annual wealth tax such as the one California is proposing is to simply uproot and move across state lines. California in particular is notorious for figuring out new ways to fleece folks of their hard-earned money. They take pay your fair share to a whole new level. It’s not enough to tax your income; now they want to tax net worth—the wealth successful individuals have built up over a lifetime. Tell me this does not smack of Atlas Shrugged and the warnings author Ayn Rand wrote about over 60 years ago.


It’s Time to Retire These Stodgy Old Democrats

After 40 years of serving in the House of Representatives, Steny Hoyer (D-MD) ought to take a victory lap and ride off to a new position, hopefully as a greeter in a big-box store. The 84-year- old Congressman is certainly entitled to one of those fold-up lawn chairs while sitting at his post in the lobby of Lowes or Home Depot. Why not be comfortable as he directs folks to plumbing supplies in aisle 7 or bidets in aisle 20?

Like a quart of spoiled milk way past its expiration date, this stinking Democrat has seen better days. Currently he continues to support squad member Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), someone I find reprehensible although the idiots in her Michigan district reelect her as some form of self- inflicted masochism.

Perhaps Granddad Steny could convince all the other 40-plus-year members of Congress that it’s time to step down and let some unaddled brains take over. Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves and shouting, “Get the hell out!”


All of us need to be reminded that the Federal Government did not create the States; the States created the Federal Government.

—Ronald Reagan
First Inaugural Address, 1981


Each state, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act. In this relation, then, the Constitution will forever be a federal, and not a national, Constitution.

—James Madison
The Federalist Papers #39, January 16, 1788



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Senator Chuck Schumer Should Burn in Hell

Senator Chuck Schumer Should Burn in Hell

On May 24, 2024, Schumer delivered a speech where he called for all illegal aliens to be given a path to citizenship and be made legal citizens of the United States. May this deplorable politician be expelled from the country and his passport burned to a crisp.


Inflation, and Then Some…

According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the price of electricity is up almost 30% since January 2021.

U.S. gasoline prices have increased more than 50% since Joe Biden became President. When Donald Trump was President, the average price for gasoline was $2.38 per gallon. Joe

Biden can spin this until the cows come home, but the average family is being screwed by his

policies. I pray that folks wake up and don’t give him or one of his clowns another four years in the White House. March 2024 saw inflation rise another 3.5%. This ain’t over, folks, not by a long shot. Every time Biden says inflation has come down, he is playing the game of lying with statistics.

Let’s look at something as common as the price of butter. We all use it, except for you margarine folks. The price of butter has gone up $1 per pound since Biden took office. Let’s compare the price in January 2021—$3.64 per pound nationally—to February 2024 at $4.63 per pound.

That’s a 27% increase. I wouldn’t be surprised if the President has blamed it on global warming. Don’t think it stops at butter and gasoline at the pump. It doesn’t.

  •  Boneless chicken breast up 26%
  • White sugar up 44%
  • White bread up 30%
  • A dozen grade-A eggs up 103%
  • Coffee up 30%

Hey, folks! I can do this all day long. Best you get your ass to the polling place in November and vote this clown out of office.


Baltimore Is the Undisputed Leader … in Drug Overdose Deaths

I lived in Maryland for decades and can count on one hand the number of times I ventured into Baltimore. Murders, carjackings, robberies, failing schools, race riots, and drugs are nothing new to that city. Baltimore has been grappling with these problems for 40 years or more, while city leaders blame everyone and everything but their own failed leadership.

Baltimore is number one among major cities when it comes to fatal drug overdoses. That was reported in a study published by the Baltimore Banner and the New York Times. Baltimore’s fatal overdose rate has quadrupled in the last 10 years. It seems the situation has gotten worse—much worse—while politicians tell us their policies are successful. Not that I’m an expert on any of this, but it appears the city is doing everything wrong. Three years ago, I bid Maryland a not-so- fond farewell. The decidedly Democratic, high-tax, blue state blamed its poor education scores, crime, drug problem, and poverty on everything but its own failed policies. It’s kind of like California blaming ALL their woes on Republicans, who have not been in power for years.


The Tax Hike That Kills the Economy

The Biden Administration has proposed a fiscal year 2025 federal budget that includes a whopping increase in the top marginal rate on long-term capital gains and dividends to 44.6%. That’s about an 87% increase, people. The current top rate is 23.8% (including the 3.8% tax called the net investment income tax).

Granted, only folks making a lot of money pay the highest rates, but who do you think keeps the economy moving? If you listen to Biden, he downplays this and calls it a small increase so “the rich pay their fair share.” According to the latest government figures, the top 1% of earners in the United States paid 45.8% of all federal income taxes. Please tell me, President Biden, is their fair share 50%, 75%, or higher? At what point ARE they paying their fair share? Are we there yet?

Mr. Biden, stop playing politics. You are destroying the economy. You clearly are in over your head and should retire to a continuing care retirement community in Delaware.



Democrats Fall All over Themselves to Fund Ukraine – Not Israel or Our Southern Border

I read that the United States is expected to provide Ukraine an additional $275 million in military aid. The package includes an assortment of artillery rounds, rockets, and more. The amount of money we have provided to Ukraine now tops $50 billion. Meanwhile, aid to Israel and our own Southern border is hardly worth mentioning since they are clearly not priorities for the Biden Administration.

I side with Texas Senator Ted Cruz—give Israel what it needs to eradicate Hamas, and protect our own Southern border. Remember, it was not so long ago that Democrats, after the passage of an aid bill, shouted “Ukraine!’” while waving Ukrainian flags on the floor of the House of Representatives. The ONLY flag that should ever fly at the U.S. Capitol is the American flag. I think it was a disgusting and inappropriate display by Democrats. That bill provided an additional $60 billion of aid to Ukraine.

And by the way, I don’t remember Biden and company telling Ukraine how to fight their war. Although Biden asked them not to bomb Russian refineries for fear of increased world oil prices, Ukraine told them to go pound sand.


I Am Too Gentlemanly to Call the Governor of New York a Moron?

I grew up in Manhattan and spent a bunch of time in the Bronx as well. So I know the place. I just don’t want to live there anymore. During a recent rally for former President Trump in the Bronx, New York’s governor called Trump supporters clowns. Mind you, these are her constituents, residents of New York City, and she’s acting like a juvenile asshat.

Not only did the governor insult a former President, but this left wing turd insulted people who likely voted for her and now are seeing the light of Democratic failed policies. This behavior is typical of left wing Democrats. They can’t fight on the facts so they choose to hurl insults, which corporate media is all too happy to report on. In fact, the governor called these New Yorkers clowns during a CNN interview. Why does that not surprise me? CNN is as far left as it gets, and it is everything pro- Biden and anti-Trump. My sense is that being called clowns by their own governor will not go over well come the November elections. New York is a cesspool that I left in 1983.


The Demands for Reparations Keep Coming

Black people living in Boston in the 1600s were treated poorly—very poorly. Is that why almost 400 years later, Black Bostonians are demanding $15 billion in reparations? The Boston People’s Reparations Commission is not coy about their ask. They are demanding.

Who exactly is expected to pay these reparations? College students attending four-year schools in the city? Folks who moved to Boston because they thought it was a cool, liberal place to live? What about the software engineer whose company just transferred him and 100 colleagues from

North Carolina to their new corporate home in Boston? Boston taxpayers pay 5% income tax. In fact, their tax liability rises to 9% if their taxable income exceeds $1,000,000.Woe be on to you if you are financially successful in Massachusetts. Remember, that is 9% on TOP of federal tax liability. And Boston owes some $7.2 billion and is in financial trouble. Adding $15 billion of additional debt would sink the city into the muck of the Charles River. Folks who demand other people’s money don’t consider any of this. After all, it’s not their problem.

And by the way, my guess is that there are thousands and thousands of African American Bostonians who have done just fine financially.


DISCLAIMER: This is solely for entertainment purposes. Published and distributed by EOCritic LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public use or private use—other than “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author.


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There Is No Alternative to America

There Is No Alternative to America

As America goes from bad to worse, you have no doubt considered packing up and getting the hell out. You may want to sell what you can and hightail it to another country— you, your belongings, your family, and your money. Perhaps Costa Rica crossed your mind, or maybe the Caribbean or some backwater European country. Odds are you did not give it much serious thought. After all, such a move would be monumental and life-changing. Would your family rebel or play along? Can what you do to earn a living be transferred to St. John island or Romania? What about the kids, their friends, and their schools?

Have you considered how and if you can move your assets legally out of the United States? There are laws aplenty that prohibit all sorts of transfers. Understanding the laws is a priority. It’s probably not a good idea to convert everything to gold coins and hide them in your sock drawer. Government agents and moving companies know that trick, and they know about hiding currency in framed family portraits.

There are consultants who specialize in moving people out of the country, but they are rather expensive. And you best not try this on your own. But if you feel that America has NO future, then you should at least investigate alternatives. It’s easier to move to one of the red states such as the Dakotas, Montana, Texas, or Florida as I did. Laws are better there, but the feds still exert a lot of control. Whatever you decide, it will take a gargantuan amount of planning. But remember, in the final analysis, there is no alternative to America.

P.S. I have a friend who hordes beer, gold, food, guns and ammo. He feels he is prepared for what may come. And yes, I have considered paying him a long visit.


The Current State of Things

The current state of things—well, I can just say it sucks and be done with it. But I suspect you would like a bit more color.

The current state of things is depressing. I long for how things used to be . . . not so long ago. I think back to America under President Donald Trump. We had low, low inflation. Mortgages were about 3 percent, sometimes a tick more, sometimes a bit less. Food inflation was virtually nonexistent. Government regulations were on the decline. The world was at relative peace.

Russia and China knew not to mess with America while Trump was in charge. Immigration was under control, and the Southern wall was being built. The price of oil and gas were insanely lower than they are today. DEI and CRT were not making daily headlines. Schools were not overrun with transgender activists demanding access to girls’ sports teams and girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms.

Today things are worse than they have been in years. Prices are through the roof. Government printing of money knows no end—$35 trillion in debt and climbing. The annual interest on our debt now exceeds the defense budget. The entitlement mindset of liberal Democrats is putting an end to work ethic. Illegals are enjoying money thrown in their direction by every level of government for free hotel stays, stipends, cell phones, and more.

Consider these—mortgage rates over 7 percent, oil at $80 per barrel, gas at $3.50 per gallon, crime out of control, daily news stories of transgender rights splashed across the front page, parents given no opportunity to opt their kids out of LGBTQ+ indoctrination and lesson plans. It seems as if half of all news stories are about one branch of the government suing another branch. The idea of working together for a common good has been lost on left-leaning Democrats. Their thirst for power would make our country’s founders gag at what the government has become—a cesspool of special interests jammed down our throats. The federal government and the executive branch have overreached their authority. This November, Americans will have the opportunity to VOTE OUT the administrative state.


Joe Biden: Trouble Knows My Name

You know, it occurred to me that if Joe Biden is competent enough to debate Donald Trump, he just may be competent enough to stand trial. I think Special Counsel Robert Hur of the Justice Department erred in his judgment. The 388-page report didn’t seem to support the conclusion that President Biden is competent enough to debate and lead the nation. It will be interesting to see if Mr. Biden is jacked up on medication as he was during his State of the Union address.

Ordinarily, he just slips, falls, slurs his words, reads off the teleprompter, lies, makes up shit, and sniffs small kids. If he is able to string together an intelligent sentence during the presidential debate, I suspect his physician will have given him a little pick-me-up. After all, the only thing Joe Biden can do unassisted is fall and get in trouble.


Extinguishing Capitalism from America Will Only Benefit the Socialists

Karl Marx is often quoted as saying, “Socialism is the road to communism.” The more regulatory powers that executive branch departments wield at the expense of entrepreneurial capitalism, and the more they choke off innovation so all outcomes are equal, the faster will be the destruction of capitalism.

If Democrats had their way, there would be NO small businesses. Why? They’re too hard to manage. The autocratic state prefers a limited number of BIG businesses it can keep under its thumb and control. If the autocrats had their way, ALL prices would be controlled and all production centralized and controlled by those inside the Capital Beltway. It kind of sounds like North Korea. The government directs all production and distribution. Lord help you if you are an enemy of the state.


Chaos at the Southern Border vs. Chaos at a House of Representatives Committee Hearing

When AOC and MTG get into a cat fight—screaming and yelling at each other at a House committee meeting—at least they are not given debit cards and free cell phones like all the illegal aliens pouring across our Southern border. Instead, it just makes worldwide news! Go online, and look at the two congressional ass-hats going at it.


A Really BIG Day

Come November 5, 2024, there will be 33 Senate seats and 100 percent of all House seats (435) up for grabs. It should be quite a show! Be sure to watch how corporate mass media spin conservatives as out to destroy democracy and how liberal socialists are out to save us.

Harken back to the days when Donald Trump was President. According to the Pew Research Center, in the early days of his presidency, they discovered that 62 percent of media coverage was negative, and 5 percent was positive. I may be a simple fellow, but that doesn’t sound like happenstance. Just like Joe Biden’s cluster f**k at the Southern border, it was premeditated.


Studying Non-Binary Poetry at an Ivy League University Prepares Students for NOTHING in Today’s Job Market

I read a lot. It helps me write as I do. And in all my readings, I have run across no shortages of non-binary poetry scholars, comparative lesbian history as portrayed in modern novels, diversity coaches, inclusion counselors, and the like. At the same time, I have noticed numerous help wanted ads for electricians, carpenters, construction workers, plumbers, welders, and home builders. I suspect that as Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and a host of other liberal elite universities churn out more and more BAs and MAs in the woke arts, the only job openings for these graduates will be in colleges and universities that teach those courses.

Imagine your son or daughter coming home with a master’s in diversity studies, only to be offered one job as a teaching aide at a liberal college in New Hampshire with a starting salary of

$45,000 per year. It would be better to send your offspring to trade school to learn underwater welding. The starting salary on an oil rig is $140,000 per year.


From patriotic American actor James Woods: “Imagine if there were a Constitutional amendment that made election day a federal holiday and paper ballots may only be cast in person by American citizens, registered voters who present a government issued voter ID.”


DEI Is Not Spoken Here

I don’t respond well to pronouns. In fact, I don’t respond at all. Should you insist that I refer to you as they, them, it, or cabbage, I simply don’t engage and walk away. No power on earth will make me buy into your delusion. ’Nuff said.


Overachievement Can Be Found in the History Books

Gone are the days of multi-tasking overachievers taking their Blackberries or i-Phones into the bathroom to send one more e-mail while they sit on the toilet. Gone are the days of working for 12 hours in hopes to get ahead and succeed. Mind you, the jackass Senator from Vermont, Bernie the SOCIALIST Sanders, is calling for a 32-hour workweek because Americans work too hard and need more family time and down time to enjoy themselves. All the while the federal government is providing more and more entitlements so rich people’s money is redistributed and everybody can enjoy equal economic outcomes. My guess is that the only folks who are still making a difference and WORKING are the hated entrepreneurs who take risks and build what others are unwilling or unable to do. When you come across the word ACHIEVEMENT in a history book, you will likely find a picture of Elon Musk or Steve Jobs.


Maryland Parents Are Told Their Children MUST Be Indoctrinated in DEI and LGBTQ+ Culture in Public Schools – You Have ZERO Choice in the Matter

I recently read of a federal appeals court ruling that ruined my otherwise tranquil Saturday morning. It seems that Maryland’s largest school district does not have to allow parents the opportunity to opt out their young elementary school-age kids from LGBTQ+ class lessons. In a 2–1 ruling, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court’s ruling that Montgomery County parents cannot opt their kids out of the county’s gay, lesbian, and transgender class lessons on religious grounds.

Parents and a parents’ rights group sued Montgomery County Public Schools after learning they could no longer opt their children out of reading LGBTQ+-inclusive books or having similar type of in-class instruction. Trump-appointed Circuit Court Judge A. Marvin Quattlebaum Jr. wrote a dissenting opinion. He stated, “The board’s refusal to grant the parents’ requests for religious opt-outs to instruction with the books the board required be used to promote diversity and inclusivity to the LGBTQ+ community forces the parents to make a choice—either adhere to their faith or receive a free public education for their children. They cannot do both.”


Commercial Corner

I thought I would share with you three testimonials I received about my latest book, Erasing America: Broken Politics, Broken Country. I am grateful for all of them. The book is available on Amazon, Walmart, and Target websites.

1. This is an exceptionally written book and a fast read in which the author, Rodger Friedman, uses just enough humor and wittiness to describe the current state of our country and concern that we are moving in the wrong direction. His compilation of factual content, political events, and excerpts from various articles, historical documents, newspapers, speeches, and books sited in this piece are well researched, enlightening, and informative, but often leaves you stunned and surprised that people in positions of authority in our country could support such absurd ideas and policies and blatantly ignore many basic common sense principles. This book is a must read for conservative thinkers, the misinformed, and/or uncommitted population, and those who have been living in a bubble and need a quick education of what is truly happening in our country.

  1. Wrapped in a comfy sweater of humor and easy style, Mr. Friedman delivers a gripping, sometime chilling insight into the decisions being made that affect our very lives … and the repercussions likely to Do not confuse the comfortable tone of delivery, like sitting on the porch with an old friend; this book stands on a solid foundation of experience and a knowledge of history. In a world where every day we see headlines that “we truly never would have imagined possible,” this book not only illuminates the problems but discusses the impacts with an eye on the past and on the future. Exceptionally researched and written, it is a must-read in today’s evolving America.

 3. An honest attempt to inform Americans of what is occurring in our country in a way that is at times entertaining and lighthearted. It is easy to read and understand. It is, however, due to the subject matter, a book that after reading 2 or 3 chapters, you need to put it down to reflect on what is being told; only to rush back to read more.


DISCLAIMER: This is solely for entertainment purposes. Published and distributed by EOCritic LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public use or private use—other than “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author.

This is provided with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, investment, or other professional advice or services. If these services are required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

No liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken, the author and publisher assume no liability for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


Copywrite © 2024 EOCritic LLC

The Road to Ruin

The Road to Ruin

Your freedoms and independence are under attack by our elected politicians and unelected regulators. Bureaucrats in executive departments such as the FTC, FCC, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the Departments of Education, Energy, and the Interior continue to create laws—which they are not legally empowered to do.

Case in point: The Department of the Interior just placed a fence around 13 million acres of Alaskan land, restricting new oil and gas leasing. Alaska U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan called it an illegal attack on the state’s economic lifeblood—the oil and gas industry. Tens of thousands of Alaskans are employed in the energy sector and will be affected by executive department regulations that were never authorized by Congress. The Biden Administration’s green agenda, pushed by liberal Democrats, is infringing on states’ rights. What the federal government refuses to understand is that the states created the federal government, not the other way around.

Case in point: The Department of Education recently announced changes to Title IX regulations. The revisions force schools across the nation that receive federal funding to abide by new rules that permit transgender students to use locker rooms and bathrooms that conform to their gender identity, not their biological sex. As bad as this is, watch what’s happening to women’s sports at schools. This shit show will pit states’ rights against bureaucratic federal overreach and end badly. Be warned! Liberals are making an end run against every industry. None will be spared.

Case in point: The Department of Energy is using the rather benign word pause to effectively slam the brakes on approvals of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. It is conducting an endless series of reviews and analyses, all with the ultimate goal of halting all LNG exports from the United States to customers around the world. Environmentalists and climate change activists hail the move as a brave move forward to put an end to global fossil fuel dependence. U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm indicated that only projects that are pending before the Department of Energy will be the subject of the indefinite pause. The United States is the largest global exporter of liquified natural gas. I suspect that officials in Louisiana and Texas are deeply disturbed by this latest pronouncement of the Biden Administration and are reviewing legal options to stop government overregulation.


The Biden Administration is singlehandedly destroying the pillars of American society.


The Marxist March to Average

The Biden Administration seeks to kill ambition, purge America of excellence, eliminate overachievement, and replace it with mediocrity and equality for all. This is no longer a nation of unlimited opportunity. It is now progressing to become a nation where all outcomes are mandated equally—a gray nation where everyone is indistinguishable from their neighbors.

Exceptionalism will be stamped out by government decree—Greatness Not Practiced Here.

All citizens’ needs will be supplied by a limited number of mega corporations under the control and guidance of a centralized government. Entrepreneurs will be regulated and taxed to death until they cry uncle and give up, closing their stores and franchises that they pinned their hopes and retirement dreams on. Think back to the COVID pandemic, courtesy of the China Communist Party. The only businesses that were allowed to remain open were the giants— Costco, Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, and the like. Mom-and-pop businesses were forced to close under the threat of fines and arrest.

The government knows it’s much easier to control a limited number of gigantic companies than tens of millions of smaller mom-and-pops. As long as liberal Democrats control the narrative, we as a nation are at risk of becoming a failed socialist state. If the Democrat apparatus had their way, they would eliminate entrepreneurs and any opposition to their plan for a centralized economy with all orders and direction emanating from the Washington ultra-elite. 

If you aspire to be great, you are not welcomed here. Excellence is discouraged, and we have regulations against that sort of behavior. Best you be like everyone else. Average is what you should aspire to.

Imagine what this country will be like for your kids and your grandchildren if we remain on this toxic path.


The American Dissident

Question the government, and be accused of unethical behavior, ostracized, targeted, blacklisted, deplatformed, or shunned—all by indoctrinated liberals who themselves are guilty of unethical and reprehensible behavior. Personal attacks, so frequent on social media, gain national attention with arguments devoid of fact. For instance, read about personal attacks on prominent conservative truthsayers such as Ben Schapiro, Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino, Mike Rowe, and others. Make no mistake. Freedom itself is at risk in an era where being right is considered wrong, where telling the truth is met with vicious personal attacks, and where corporate mass media acts to propagate lies until people believe them because they have read or heard them so often.

The far left has indoctrinated a massive number of Americans who now believe that Joe Biden is a great president and has accomplished wondrous things. They downplay 12 million illegal aliens flooding into this country. They downplay the massive increase in crime and fentanyl deaths.

They downplay the national debt, the budget deficit, inflation, and mortgage interest rates. They rail against conservatives who stand up and tell the truth—that the emperor wears no clothes, that Joe Biden is a delusional and dangerous politician who is controlled by others and incapable of rational thought without the aid of a teleprompter. America desperately needs more patriots to stand up and tell the truth—to combat the dangerous lies the government and government- influenced media spread.

The question is this. Are you going to sit on the couch as a spectator or engage and work to change what is so wrong with our country?


A Nation in Decline

Look around. It’s not difficult to see. Notice the worried look on people’s faces and their disappointment and lack of confidence in our government. Watch their reaction to high prices at the grocery store brought on by relentless inflation. Pay attention to homebuyers facing 7 percent mortgages, unable to buy the homes they were hoping for. It’s called fear of the future.


Have you noticed parents who are worried that their children will not have the same opportunities they had? What about the severe declines in education and well-being caused by the government’s response to the pandemic? All this has been reported on and verified. The heavy hand of government regulation everywhere is affecting every industry, every school, and every community.

President Trump’s tag line is “Make America Great Again.” Well, what’s the matter with that? I WANT America to be GREAT again.

  • I want fiscal
  • I want low
  • I want a balanced
  • I want to stop out-of-control spending
  • I want student loan borrowers to pay back the money they
  • I want intelligent immigration
  • I want illegal immigrants
  • I want strong border defenses and a WALL to keep out those who don’t belong
  • I want the rule of law
  • I want secure
  • I want low mortgage
  • I want criminals locked up behind

The Biden Administration works against everything I want, and I want a lot. Don’t you? Will securing these things help stem America’s decline? I think they will go a long way to help. Yes, it’s a long list, but we are a big country, and there are a lot of things that have gone haywire under Biden.


I WANT America to be GREAT again. Don’t you?


The Majority of Registered Vermont Voters Are Dumber Than Bernie Sanders. Why? 

1941 was a very bad year. Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941, and Bernie Sanders was born on September 8, 1941. I would celebrate a world that does not include Bernie the socialist politician, but—heavy sigh—we can’t always get what we want.

Vermonters voted socialist Bernie Sanders into the House of Representatives for 16 years before electing him to the Senate in 2006 and again in 2012 AND again in 2018. He has been a driving force in shifting the Democratic Party to the far left, abandoning the principles that are the bedrock of America. He rails against income inequality yet fails to understand basic human behavior. I am where I am as a result of the decisions I have made and my behaviors. You are where you are for the same reasons. Whether you grew up in Manhattan, Montana, or Louisiana, these facts hold. Decisions and behavior. Period.

For a time, Sanders vehemently argued that millionaires should not exist—until he became one. Now he argues against billionaires. Do you ever wonder who pays for all the new wings on hospitals, concert halls, and university science and library buildings? The gifts are generally from billionaires with a philanthropic philosophy. Sanders owns three homes, which is not bad for a socialist Democrat and far-left village idiot. I guess he wants the kind of equality where everyone, citizens and non-citizens alike, owns three homes.

Andrew Carnegie sold his U.S. Steel Corporation to J.P. Morgan for $480 million. Carnegie, arguably one of America’s first multi-millionaires, was responsible for the funding and building of 2,509 libraries around the globe, 1,795 of them in the United States. It is reported that during his lifetime, Carnegie gave away more than $350 million. This kind of philanthropy would not exist in Bernie Sanders’ socialist America.

So why on earth do the folks in Vermont keep sending this independent socialist to Washington? I’m told that Vermont politics are nothing like national politics. The fact is that a lot of

Vermont’s population is poor, so they tend to vote for candidates who will provide more chickens in their pots. Sanders’ words inspire a lot of progressives and younger voters who have not shared in the bounty that capitalism creates. These voters feel they have not benefitted from our current economic system. They may have lower wages or be saddled with student loan debt. All these are attributable to their behavior and the life decisions they have made. It is not because they live in a capitalist society. If Tommy spends his idle time on self-improvement and education, he will most likely out-earn Bill who is a regular every night during happy hour, followed by 30 hours a week watching football games on television and playing video games.

In Senator Sanders’ own words, the “real cause” of that pain is the “economic system designed to benefit the very, very rich at the expense of everybody else.” BULLSHIT! Sanders is someone who wants to tear down our capitalist system. My fervent hope is that Bernie gets defeated in the next election. At 82 years old, he has already put his hat in the ring. Respectfully, Senator, your hat should be in one of your three homes, and you should leave the politics to American patriots who believe in and love America. Your time has passed. Take your socialist bullshit home.


Commercial Corner

My book: Fire Your Retirement Planner: You! Concise Advice on How to Join the $100,000 Retirement Club

Planning for retirement is a difficult minefield to navigate. When to begin saving and the effects of inflation, longevity, and health care costs are all risks that affect your decisions. Retirees and pre-retirees often don’t have the skillsets to make the right decisions for their future.

In Fire Your Retirement Planner: You! I provide a host of non-investment-specific tools and strategies to deal with the numerous challenges surrounding retirement. This resource uses finely crafted stories to highlight warnings, ideas, and best practices in order to provide simple, practical principles that anyone can grasp.

The book is divided into these six sections: Food for Thought, Taking Ownership, Lifestyle & Discipline, Planning, Strategic Thinking, and In Favor of Professionals. I pull from over 30 years of knowledge and experience to talk openly and honestly about the pitfalls awaiting those who do not change their behaviors and start taking planning and investing for retirement seriously.

The book is an essential tool for anyone preparing for the time when their paychecks stop.


Here’s the deal:

Purchase a copy (or multiple copies for friends and colleagues), and I will send you my “Erasing America Special Report.” WARNING! Both micro-aggressions and macro-aggressions lurk inside these pages.

Fire Your Rtirement Planner: You! Concise Advice on How to Join the $100,000 Retirement Club

Thank you!

Rodger Friedman

The Equal Opportunity Critic



DISCLAIMER: This is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. Published and distributed by EOCritic LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public use or private use—other than “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author.


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No liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken, the author and publisher assume no liability for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


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