Bernie is back on his soapbox, YELLING for a 32-hour workweek. He boasts that other kids get to work less (Norway, France, etc.), and we should not have to work such long hours. Forty hours of work each week leaves no time for family, friends, and recreation. HOGWASH, Senator! All you are doing is hurting small businesses, the backbone of the American economy. Let’s look at the math.

  • Hypothetical worker makes widgets for the boss
  • Worker earns $30 per hour for a 40-hour
  • That’s $1,200 per week for 52 weeks (2 weeks paid vacation) = $62,400 annual

Under Senator Sanders’ genius plan:

  • Worker still earns $62,400 per year, but the boss has 8 hours per week of lost production
  • That’s 400 hours of lost production per year, less widgets being manufactured and on the market

Guess what, Senator! The boss ain’t eating it. He raises the prices on widgets, and everyone pays more money because the boss ain’t booking the loss. He is passing it on to the consumer.

Senator, do you know what that’s called? INFLATION.


Way to Go, Biden Administration!

It’s interesting that The Washington Examiner posted a headline on March 14, 2024, called “Biden’s Team ‘Regrets’ Making Inflation Worse Now That They’re Facing Reelection.”

Wow! We REGRET we lied to you, misled you, covered up the facts, misinformed you, led you astray, covered up the truth, fibbed, told a tall tale, and generally made you believe something with absolutely no facts.


A Further Word on Congressional Term Limits 

What do you think the chances are that thousands of 16-year-old boys would urge their parents to ban beer sales in their county? What do you think the chances are that Congresspeople would vote to curtail their own power? Hint: AOC is now making six figures, more than she ever made as a bartender in Boston.

’Nuff said . . .


It Seems the Definition of Extraordinary Has Changed

Those of you who know me or have read my book Erasing America: Broken Politics, Broken Country know that I have an exceedingly low opinion of U.S. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY). As I write this, he recently stated that Biden’s accomplishments were “extraordinary triumphs” in the last four years.

To be clear (and balanced) in my reporting, I actually looked up the word extraordinary. I wanted to see the synonyms for this very powerful adjective. Here is what I found: astounding, astonishing, remarkable, exceptional, amazing.

So here is my question. Can you describe anything Joe Biden has done during his presidency that would warrant you (truthfully) characterizing it as astounding, astonishing, remarkable, exceptional, or amazing?

I rest my case. I firmly believe—and yes, it is my personal opinion— that Representative Jeffries is a delusional, progressive liberal in need of an immediate career change.


I Don’t Have a Mute Button 

During my recent conversation with a flaming liberal Democrat, he suggested that I may want to mute my thoughts since much of what I have to say may be interpreted as unpopular and not in keeping with today’s enlightened viewpoints. Well, for those who know me and have followed my videos, books, articles, and viewpoints, you won’t be surprised by my answer: Don’t let the First Amendment hit you in the ass on your way to Venezuela.”

Life is too short to have arguments with mindless progressives who view our founding documents as mere suggestions to be followed or changed on a whim. I wait with baited breath for November 5, 2024, when intelligent Americans (if there are any left) kick the progressives out of national and state governments, restoring sanity to American politics.

If you remember to do one thing this year, VOTE on November 5th, and send the liberals back into the caves they came from.


Not Only Will I Buy You New Luggage, I Will Help You Pack 

To all the famous Hollywood types that are blathering about leaving the country if Donald Trump is reelected President of the United States, conservatives who LOVE America are thrilled at the prospect of your leaving.

We have had enough of Biden crime, Biden border madness, Biden inflation, Biden energy insecurity, Biden spinelessness on the world stage, Biden scraping the bottom of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Biden killing the oil and gas industry, and Biden’s electrification of cars, stoves, washing machines, dryers, lawn mowers, and more.

Enough is enough.

Not only will we buy your luggage and help you pack, but we will drive you to the airport and offer to burn your passports as you board the plane.


The Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Now that I have your attention, remember that the President announced that the Administration intends to repurchase crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve when prices are at or below

$67 to $72 per barrel. Remember that he released 180 million barrels of our strategic emergency reserve for political purposes.

Well, Joe, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is now trading at $81.07 per barrel. How is that refilling going for you? Is our country safer with overflowing reserves?

This is yet another boondoggle of this presidency.


Atlas Shrugged, Didn’t He?

 My beloved Ayn Rand would be spinning like a turbine in her grave if she overheard a conversation I had with a distant relative. I made the mind-numbing mistake of recommending that she read my favorite book, Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand. That I believed reading Rand’s writings would influence, even mildly, this liberal progressive delusional soul was my first mistake. The second mistake was engaging this relative in a protracted conversation.

My errors in judgment stemmed from the thought that I had expectations. You see, I forgot the conservative’s prime directive—you are only disappointed in others when you have expectations that they will actually use their brain to think. My bad.

In the end, my relative had no clue who John Galt was, why he was important to the story, or why Ayn Rand would write such a long book in the first place. When I stopped banging my head repeatedly against the wall long enough to knock back some Tylenol, I reflected on why I seldom engaged this relative in conversation and promised myself not to make the same error in the future.


I’d Rather Not, Thank You

My sisters are at it again. This time they’re proposing that I do a podcast. After much consideration (not really), I decided I would rather be the only one in North America who does not have a podcast. Any group that would have me as a member is automatically suspect. I’d rather be the hungry tiger with no stripes lurking in the forest.

I’m content grinding out my thoughts one at a time as I have been doing for decades without the aid of ChatGPT (whatever that stands for). Ditto for podcasts and AI (artificial idiocy).

Nothing against the entire podcast enabler industry that has sprung up to assist wordsmiths such as me, but I can do without their (supposed) expertise for the low, low price of $5,995.


Commercial Corner

My book: Parent’s Guide to Your Child’s Retirement: 21 Thought-Provoking Conversations to Have with Your Adult Children” takes a long overdue conversation out of the shadows and shines a high-powered spotlight on a much-needed subject… our working- age children’s preparations for their own retirement. The idea for the book came to me as I realized the sheer numbers of people I have spoken with that are concerned about their adult kids preparation for retirement. As I sketched out my notes, it occurred to me this was a big issue that was not getting enough “airtime”. Running through my mind were the following situations that I was aware of:

  • I knew parents that were funding their adult children’s ROTH IRA accounts
  • I knew parents that were reimbursing kids so they could max out a 401(k)
  • I know parents that were paying off their kid’s education loans
  • I know parents that have become landlords to their grown kids for years
  • I know parents that have “helped” the kids purchase cars, home and more
  • I knew parents that were worried if their kids were saving for retirement

We parents often have a wealth of experience to share with our children regarding our own missteps and blunders in planning for our own life after work. More often than not, we lack a blueprint to effectively engage in these needed conversations without them turning into lectures, accusations or shouting matches. This book will provide you, the parents with an easy to follow structure that may serve to enable you and your children to have positive, engaging and thoughtful conversations regarding their financial futures.

Here’s the deal: Purchase a copy (or multiple copies for friends and colleagues) and I will send you The Equal Opportunity Critic’s Socialist Quiz AND How to shut down your crazed liberal relatives at holiday dinners.

Parent’s Guide to Your Child’s Retirement available on


Final Thought

In November, American voters will be presented with the opportunity to tell Biden & Company to pound sand, go write books for multi-million-dollar advances, and fade away from the American political consciousness. Call it a grand opportunity to say good riddance to an astonishingly incompetent administration that’s hell-bent on destroying America.

November cannot come soon enough! VOTE!

P.S. At the time of this writing, my latest book, Erasing America: Broken Politics, Broken Country, is #1 in its category on Amazon. If you haven’t grabbed a copy for yourself, please do so. It is available in paperback and on Kindle. By the way, it makes a great birthday present!


And please consider leaving an honest review on Amazon.

Thank you, Rodger Friedman

The Equal Opportunity Critic


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