It would be really difficult and damn near impossible to look around you and honestly say that we are all better off than we were three years ago. Back in 2020, Barack Obama reportedly said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” It seems my second least favorite American President knew a thing or two about his right-hand man. But let’s get back on point. I’m going to assume that you, like me, love America. Were that not the case, you would have moved by now to parts unknown. But you’re still here—and that tells me you have faith in this country. And if you love America and have faith in it, you want the best for it, right? Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden is best for America? If you do, please tell me why you feel that way. I am willing to listen.
Look at the long list of the Biden Administration’s dubious accomplishments. What do you see? An emboldened liberal Democrat leadership that seeks to control everything? Regulatory overreach that knows no bounds? I think you would see socialist policies that would make our Founding Fathers choke on their evening ale. You’d also see a misuse of government funds on a scale I have never seen before.
Let me share a story with you. Let’s focus on one issue that will serve to highlight Biden’s incompetence and failed policies. Think back to 2021 and the passage of the monstrosity Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that earmarked $7.5 billion for 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations to be built by 2030 across America.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg—former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, population 102,000, who brings NO skills to this present job whatsoever—has attempted to defend why only eight charging stations have been built since funding began in 2021. It’s now 2024, folks, and they have built eight charging stations. What does that tell you? Listening to Secretary Buttcrack is like listening to California Governor Gavin Newsom explain away his state’s massive $60 billion debt by blaming it on “oceans of air currents” and global warming.
Americans understand that snake oil salesmen sell snake oil. These frauds don’t sell the truth. They want power and money, and everything and everyone else be damned. We Americans deserve better. If you love America, vote Joe Biden and his band of deceitful politicians out of office come this November.
Duct Tape Won’t Fix Broken America
Nearly every American knows that almost all challenges (“problems”) can be solved with a combination of (a) hard work, (b) money, and (c) duct tape.
This is clear to just about anyone but liberal Democrats, socialists, and anarchists in the Biden Administration who have refused to put in the hard work to secure America’s borders. Current estimates of the number of illegals pouring across our borders top 12 million. Not to beat you over the head, but that’s the population of Maryland and Missouri combined.
The Biden Administration, along with states and cities such as Denver, California, New York, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and more are wasting no time to throw taxpayer money at all manner of illegals. And NO, they are NOT newcomers—they are illegals who have broken our laws.
According to retired police detective and outspoken conservative New York Republican Congressman Anthony D’Esposito, America’s resources are being diverted from helping American citizens in need to helping illegals who should be expelled from this country. D’Esposito serves on the House Committee on Homeland Security. Moreover, this is a politician who arrested murderers, rapists, and all sorts of human garbage during his ten-year stint with the New York Police Department.
In a recent interview, D’Esposito said
“There are places where those resources that normally would be utilized by good, hardworking Americans are being sucked up at this point by migrants.”
There is not enough duct tape to solve the shit storm Biden has created. What we need is a change of leadership and a draining of the swamp. If you doubt this, you’re not as smart as you think you are. Election Day—you know, November 5th—can’t come soon enough.
Slapping the American Voter Upside the Head
At what point will the American electorate come to the conclusion that they are worse off under Biden polices? I can drone on about mortgage rates, inflation, immigration, crime, energy independence, regulatory overreach, and more, but I won’t. Instead, I will ask a series of simple questions. When you hear President Biden speak:
- Does he instill confidence?
- Is he clear thinking?
- Is he a strong leader?
- Is he decisive?
- Does he make smart decisions?
- Is he sharp as a tack?
- Are you okay with his mental competence?
Congressman Jerry Nadler says that Donald Trump “is a threat to our democracy, to the rule of law, and to the integrity of our elections.” Gee! That’s what I say about him and his despicable colleagues.
Their Plan to Confiscate Your Wealth
In their never-ending strategy to tax every dollar that is not nailed down, some states—among them California—are trying to push a bill that would tax wealth above $50 million. If you have
$50 million, they are seeking to confiscate 1% annually. If you have $250 million, they are seeking to confiscate 2% annually. After all, the states are on a mission to redistribute wealth and pull up those folks who don’t like to work for a living. They want to put an electric car in every garage and a vegan meatloaf in every electric non-gas oven.
An intelligent strategy to counter a state that proposes an annual wealth tax such as the one California is proposing is to simply uproot and move across state lines. California in particular is notorious for figuring out new ways to fleece folks of their hard-earned money. They take pay your fair share to a whole new level. It’s not enough to tax your income; now they want to tax net worth—the wealth successful individuals have built up over a lifetime. Tell me this does not smack of Atlas Shrugged and the warnings author Ayn Rand wrote about over 60 years ago.
It’s Time to Retire These Stodgy Old Democrats
After 40 years of serving in the House of Representatives, Steny Hoyer (D-MD) ought to take a victory lap and ride off to a new position, hopefully as a greeter in a big-box store. The 84-year- old Congressman is certainly entitled to one of those fold-up lawn chairs while sitting at his post in the lobby of Lowes or Home Depot. Why not be comfortable as he directs folks to plumbing supplies in aisle 7 or bidets in aisle 20?
Like a quart of spoiled milk way past its expiration date, this stinking Democrat has seen better days. Currently he continues to support squad member Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), someone I find reprehensible although the idiots in her Michigan district reelect her as some form of self- inflicted masochism.
Perhaps Granddad Steny could convince all the other 40-plus-year members of Congress that it’s time to step down and let some unaddled brains take over. Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves and shouting, “Get the hell out!”
All of us need to be reminded that the Federal Government did not create the States; the States created the Federal Government.
—Ronald Reagan
First Inaugural Address, 1981
Each state, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act. In this relation, then, the Constitution will forever be a federal, and not a national, Constitution.
—James Madison
The Federalist Papers #39, January 16, 1788
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