It Runs in the Family: Governor Newsom Is as Insincere and Deceitful as His Aunt Nancy (Pelosi)
I was reading an article penned by Sarah Arnold on the Townhall Media website in mid- February, and I was struck by her discussion that Governor Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom was actually blaming Republicans for the migrant chaos when hundreds of illegals were released in San Diego. Here is a direct quote from a spokesperson from the Governor’s office:
When it comes to border security, Republicans in Congress have done nothing but create chaos and sabotage any attempts at progress. In the absence of any political courage from the Republican Party, California has once again stepped up – making historic investments and serving as a model of partnership for a safe and humane border. It’s past time for the spineless politicians in Congress to do their job.
Wow! The audacity of his office to state that Congress is spineless and that the Governor is a shining star in a morass of mud. Do you need a further reason why this asshat is incapable of holding the highest office in the land?
Disturbing, and Then Some . . .
If you haven’t read the online edition of The Washington Examiner, you’re missing some really interesting stories. For example, the February 23, 2024, article by Christopher Hutton was about how the FCC voted to reinstate a dormant rule to publish race and gender data on broadcasters. The FCC board voted 3–2 along party lines (no surprise there). The rule was a holdover from the 1990s that was deep-sixed by the U.S. District Court. Now that the Dems hold a voting majority at the FCC, they resurrected the rule from a three-decade suspension.
Hutton made a point of telling us that Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr compared this requirement to “posting a race and gender scorecard” and alleged that the policy change occurred due to activists wanting to see “businesses pressured into hiring people based on their race and gender.” Furthermore, the agency has decided to publicly release the documents so every liberal squad member wanna-be can chastise and harass broadcasters for not hiring enough transgender, non-binary media majors from Yale, Harvard, and State U.
I Love Tom Homan
So why would I say I love Tom Homan, and WHO exactly is Tom Homan? Well, he’s not exactly a household name, although he was President Trump’s acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Here is a bit of what Homan said during a February 2024 Fox interview on the America Reports program.
Here’s what AOC is not saying, because she’s not very smart, here’s what she’s not saying. Based on immigration court data over the last 10 years, nine out of 10 people who claim asylum at the southern border will get an order removal because they don’t qualify for asylum.
Homan went on to say that only 6 percent leave the United States after receiving a removal order.
You see, I like, respect, and—yes—love the guy because he is telling the truth based on facts and his considerable experience versus AOC who loves to hear herself talk. Homan was a border patrol agent, investigator, and supervisor before President Obama appointed him Executive Associate Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2013.
It Seems the Definition of Extraordinary Has Changed
Those of you who know me or have read my book Erasing America: Broken Politics, Broken Country know that I have an exceedingly low opinion of U.S. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY). As I write this, he recently stated that Biden’s accomplishments were extraordinary triumphs in the last four years.
To be clear (and balanced) in my reporting, I actually looked up the word extraordinary. I wanted to see the synonyms for this very powerful adjective. Here is what it said: astounding, astonishing, remarkable, exceptional, amazing.
So here is my question: Can you describe anything Joe Biden has done during his presidency that would warrant you (truthfully) characterizing it as astounding, astonishing, remarkable, exceptional, or amazing?
I rest my case. I firmly believe—and yes, it is my personal opinion—that Representative Jeffries is a liberal idiot.
Only in Kalifornia
Gather around for another whack-a-doodle story— another story about the lunatics in San Francisco. They have a seven-member Election Commission that is a civilian body. They are charged with overseeing and creating policy for the city’s Department of Elections. Here is where it gets good. The newest member of this esteemed body is not allowed to vote because she is not a US citizen. Hmm . . . why is this person (Kelly Wong) a member of a commission that sets VOTING POLICY? Well, it seems she is an immigrant rights advocate. As I reviewed story after story on the subject, I found that not one reporter wrote of or interviewed anyone who objected to this. It seems that every journalist is a liberal. Why am I not surprised?
Drop the Hammer on Venezuela
Mainstream media has reported that Venezuela is refusing to accept deportations from the United States and Mexico. Hmm. I have a few ideas to help solve this issue:
- Reinstate all oil and gas sanctions on Venezuela immediately
- Blockade the country’s major seaport
- Establish a no-fly zone
- Cut off their economic lifeline
- Turn back all Venezuelan migrants at our border
- Block all cash transfers from the United States to Venezuela
But oh! I forgot! The President lacks the backbone, so in all probability none of these things will ever take place. We will have to wait for the next administration to make the tough decisions that Mr. Biden is unwilling to make. And forget about Blinken, our esteemed Secretary of State. He is about as useless a public servant as we have.
Short Gems
Gem # 1
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently announced 176,205 more illegal immigrant encounters at the southern border in January.
Gem # 2
Taken from a Larry Kudlow update on Fox Business (February 26, 2024): According to the Federal Election Commission’s (FEC) database, 93 percent of college professors contributed to Joe Biden, and 7 percent contributed to Donald Trump.
Gem # 3
Days before yet another government shutdown, Mr. Biden is blaming a stalled deal on GOP policy demands and characterized the situation as dire. Yes, Mr. President, the GOP is demanding fiscal restraint, fiscal sanity, and fiscal prudence. Sorry, that doesn’t fit with your unlimited spending plan. Biden refuses to understand that providing funds for our country’s defense (the southern border) does NOT come after providing funds for other countries. America comes first—not second, not third.
Gem # 4
Transgender Virginia State Senator (Danica Roem) reportedly stormed out of the Senate Chamber because the Lieutenant Governor referred to him/her as “sir.” It seems this legislator lost his/her cool for being misgendered. Hey, Danica! Have you ever heard of sticks-’n’-stones? You are there to conduct the people’s business, not stand there on your own soapbox.
Gem # 5
There are excuses, and then there is reality, and it looks like Nikki Haley can’t tell one from the other. I like her, just not as President of the United States. Rather than offering countless excuses, she should see that she has “no path to victory.”
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